The four major Emanations of the Divine: lovingkindness (archangel Michael), strength (archangel Gabriel), triumph (archangel Uriel), grandeur (Größe, Würde - archangel Raphael).
Kabbalah's aim: Bringing the upper and lower together, is the driving force of the process of creation, the process of our lives.
Kabbalistic teaching: Awaken! Enlighten! Transform darkness into light!
Coming of Mind: Adam and Eve achieved a higher state of consciousness.
Pralaya: One of the earlier kabbalistic texts says that seven specific letters of the Hebrew alphabet symbolize seven universes and seven firmaments. These are universes that were created and destroyed, but there are differences of opinion as to which universe we currently inhabit.
Torah: Five books of Moses
(Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy)
Prophets (Joshua, Judges, Samuel,
Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc.)
Holy Writing
Talmud: Collection of commentary of the Torah
Universe: Whereas the physical
universe is measured in time and distance, the mystical universe is measured
in terms of levels of awareness. These levels should not be viewed as separate
boundaries, for awareness is a continuum.