November 1972

02. November 1972 – All is willed by the Lord

Mother goes where the Lord wants her to go.

Do you understand my condition? One minute the body feels it is going to die; the next minute it feels immortal. So after that, one can’t… one can’t possibly say “how it’s going.”

Things always work out. I am convinced that whatever happens is willed by the Lord. It’s only our impression that gets more or less warped by our ignorance.

My feeling is that all words, even when they sound very wise, are just stupidities. That’s all. It would be far better never to say anything (Mother puts her hand over her mouth). It belittles things so much, so, so much…

04. November 1972 – Contradictions from the Subconscient

And then… how can I put this?… It isn’t sensation or knowledge, it’s a kind of… (Mother feels the air between her fingers), you can’t even say conviction: it’s a certitude — a certitude in the perception — that Bliss is there… right there, WAITING FOR us, but a whole world of contradictions that have been repressed in the subconscient keeps rising up from the subconscient to prevent us from feeling it. So… you could say it’s a battlefield, but in a perfect calm.

It’s impossible to describe.

Impossible to describe.

When I remain still and enter that Consciousness, time flies with fantastic speed, in a kind of… luminous calm. But the slightest thing that pulls me out of it seems to pull me into hell. Exactly.

The discomfort is so great one feels one couldn’t last a minute or a few minutes like that. So one… one calls the Divine… You feel like curling up in the Divine.

And then it goes well.

08. November 1972 – Few Seconds of Supramental Consciousness

For a moment — just a few seconds — I had the supramental consciousness. It was so marvelous!… I understood that if we were to taste that now, we would no longer want to exist differently. We are in the process of… (gesture of kneading dough) of changing laboriously. And the change, the process of change seems… Yet you can grasp it in a kind of indifference (I don’t know how to express it).

But it doesn’t last long. As a rule it’s… laborious.

But that consciousness is so marvelous, you know!

It’s most interesting because there’s a sort of EXTREME activity within complete peace.

But it lasted only a few seconds.

It’s fabulous! Like a harmonization of all opposites. Yes, a total, fantastic activity together with… perfect peace.

But these are mere words.

The action is a material one — but not done in the same way, of course.

I don’t know because I am constantly — my WHOLE consciousness, including that of the body, is always turned to the… (gesture of offering) to what it feels as the Divine.

And without “trying,” you follow?

11. November 1972 – Message

Beyond all preferences and limitations, there is a ground of mutual understanding where all can meet and find their harmony: it is the aspiration for a divine consciousness.

15. November 1972 – Mother’s Work

“My” work…

Poetically, I could say: a few seconds in heaven and… hours in hell.

It’s better not to speak about it.

22. November 1972 – Every Minute a Discovery

Either I say everything or nothing at all. And saying everything is… You know, there’s both a constant effort and… (Mother opens her hands) every minute a discovery. So describing it would be endless, and also uninteresting.

The body consciousness is beginning to be wise, it too is saying with a great, great… more than sincerity, “Let Your Will be done.” People and their opinions and their way of seeing things seem so very ridiculous to it!

Let Your Will be done.

…whom you thought were wise, or people who have known you for so many years — their reactions seem so absurd!

So… (Mother opens her hands) let Your Will be done.

Naturally the body understands very well (it never doubts that His Will will be done: it is ALWAYS done), but let us be… let us not be an obstacle to that Will or a complication: let us allow things to be done luminously and peacefully — consciously, luminously, peacefully… all-encompassingly.

Let us not be part of the obstacles. Let us be… (Mother opens her hands) let the supreme Wisdom pass, pass through… something that is not an extra obstacle. That’s all.

25. November 1972 – Without the Divine No Existence

A growing sensation that without the Divine there’s no existence.

Forgetting the Divine even for a minute is becoming catastrophic, you see.

Now and then, for a few seconds, the true beatific consciousness comes — but only now and then and for a few seconds. That’s all. Otherwise, I am like this (gesture, fists clenched to stand firm in the struggle).

That’s it, exactly that! One quite feels the inability of the outer consciousness to participate in the experience… to be up to the mark.

Well, that’s my continuous condition.

How to…?

And then once a day — once, twice, for a few seconds (tone of amazed wonder): “Oh!…” And it’s gone.

Is this… this body to be left and another one built?

I don’t know… It doesn’t fit with… I have not been told that it has to be that way.

Although I haven’t been told either that this body is capable of transformation.

So I don’t know.

But it has no desire to leave.

It doesn’t know, Yet… I can’t exactly say I suffer but there’s constant discomfort.

That is the conviction the body needs to have: that INDEED it serves some purpose.

26. November 1972 – Message

Before dying falsehood rises in full swing.

Still people understand only the lesson of catastrophe.

Will it have to come before they open their eyes to the truth?

I ask an effort from all so that it has not to be.

It is only the Truth that can save us: truth in words, truth in action, truth in will, truth in feelings.

It is a choice between serving the Truth or being destroyed.