Oktober 1972

07. October 1972 – The Divine takes Care of my Body

The sensation is one of being as… as transparent and impersonal as possible so the Divine can pass through and act. And here (pointing to the forehead), it’s completely silent… just this (gesture, hands open and immobile). That’s all. My whole life is that way.

The more the body is able to do this (same gesture), the better its conditions of life. Truly. I mean…”solicitude” isn’t the word, we would need a special word… In English, I could say: The care the Divine takes of my body… (you understand?) is… beyond all description. And above all beyond all the body’s physical shortcomings.

There you are.

But all words belittle — they belittle ridiculously.

I’d like to stop talking.

11. October 1972 – Our Unconsciousness

Listen, it’s the Divine who made us the way we are…

…Our unconsciousness is what prevents us from knowing it, otherwise we would always be in a kind of luminous peace, and simply: what You want, Lord, what You want… (Mother opens her hands in a gesture of total surrender). Like that.

For me — I mean, for this sort of… for this (Mother pinches the skin of her arms), which has lived so many years but doesn’t know anything anymore, and can’t do anything anymore, there’s only… (same gesture of surrender, hands offered to the Lord).

Whatever conscious will is left is used to remain attentive — attentive, absolutely still and peaceful (gesture of listening to the above). To try not to obstruct or distort what the Lord… (Mother corrects herself) what the Divine wants. That’s all. And not a personal Divine: the Divine Consciousness at work in the world.

We know nothing, we know absolutely nothing, we are totally stupid really, but if we can be like this (gesture, hands open): receptive — receptive in a silence… a silence that worships… Light, Light… a perfect Knowledge and unerring Will…

18. October 1972 – Victory of Truth

The Victory… we can call it what we like: the Victory of Truth over Falsehood, the Victory of the Lord over his creation.

Well, that Victory is still only for a few.

The creation consciously going towards its divine Origin and ready to manifest that Origin is still only for a few. I think it will take centuries until it becomes general — oh, centuries, maybe millenniums!

But what matters is for us to be the few who are conscious, who consciously… (silence, Mother opens her hands)… manifest the Divine. That is our victory, for a few of us, which we can and must win and embody — to “win,” I mean overcome the material resistance in the body (Mother pinches the skin of her arm). That we can and it is our duty to overcome — I mean all the stupid unconscious resistance. That must come to an end. This is our work, and it must be done here (pointing to the body).

21. October 1972 – Attitude of absolute Surrender

You see, I would either have to describe every single thing that keeps happening, or say nothing at all.

When I say nothing and just stay like this (gesture, open hands)… in an attitude of absolute surrender, things go on well. But if the SLIGHTEST thing pulls me out of it, I feel… as if I were about to die.


When I am in that position, I get the feeling that… life is eternal.

25. October 1972 – The Earth’s Subconscient

Yes, because it isn’t one person’s subconscient: it is THE EARTH’S subconscient. It’s endless. Yet we must…

Stopping that would mean stopping the work. Going on with it means it will take ages… I don’t know… it’s endless.

Although clearly, quite clearly, stopping it would mean stopping the work. As if this consciousness (gesture around Mother) were the meeting point and the center of action.

So my sole means is to remain quiet — very, very quiet… (Mother opens her hands upwards). To feel that the individuality is nothing, absolutely nothing — so the divine rays can pass, pass through it. It’s the only solution. It must be the Divine who… who fights the battle.

You know, my impression is that the individuality is like an image to focus the attention (humans need something — they have always needed something on their scale to focus their attention), so the body tries its best not to obstruct the divine Force from passing through, it tries to suppress all its own interferences, but at the same time it sees itself… as an image humans need to focus their attention.

28. October 1972 – Mantra on the Subconscient

OM Namo Bhagavateh…

Did you notice how strong the mantra is on the subconscient?

It has a great, great power over the subconscient.

I told you what a nuisance the subconscient is, didn’t I?…

But, repeating that mantra has a great, great effect on it.

One mustn’t… one mustn’t… [get impatient]. You say another consciousness…

I’ve found but one solution: What You want, Lord, what You want…

And what comes up from the subconscient is constantly met by:

OM namo Bhagavateh, OM…