June 1972 |
03. June 1972 – Between Imbecility and Genius Constantly, but constantly, I have things I would like you to know, but I don’t have a chance to tell them. The ordinary memory is all gone, do you know, so if it comes, it comes; if it doesn’t come… it’s just lost. Really… fantastic things. As if I were walking on a very thin and narrow line: on one side, imbecility, and on the other genius! That’s how I progress (gesture of standing on a ridge). What does it depend on? I have no idea. All the old methods are obsolete, but the new ones aren’t yet established. Although sometimes, they come all of a sudden: for a few minutes, there’s a dazzling flood of light… something marvelous, the feeling of a power over the entire world. And the next minute, all gone. Night and day, like that. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, I am in such a horrible discomfort, I feel it must lead to death, but then… something says, “Don’t mind,” as though Sri Aurobindo were watching over me — don’t mind, don’t mind… So I… (Mother opens her hands). And after a little while: gone, it’s inexplicably gone. I can’t eat anymore — oh, it’s so difficult! So difficult. Eating is really the most difficult of all… I am not really disgusted by food, nothing of the sort, but I just can’t put it in my mouth. I can still drink… for the moment. There’s nothing there, nothing (pointing to her forehead), it’s empty, empty, thoroughly empty… And when I remain like this… |
07. June 1972 – The Lord Presence It’s the Lord’s presence passing through me — through what people call “me.” An aggregate of cells which… (laughing) took this form pretty long ago! This form is… It’s most peculiar, you know: that [cellular] consciousness gives an impression of something trying to become fluid. Something is obviously trying to make it manifest a… an otherness. Be an otherness. But how?… The body is comfortable only when it is conscious of the divine Force acting (gesture of descent through the body), but otherwise it’s… Any concentration on the body itself causes a kind of strange discomfort, a discomfort which stops only when it is conscious of the Force — of the Force working (same gesture of descent through Mother), the Force working, when “That” comes and flows through it. Then the… I can’t say “the old method” is gone, it’s not at all that, it’s… something. (Smiling) There’s a phrase that comes to me in English: “the joy of nothingness.” It’s a supramental person. Something the cells don’t quite understand yet, but they know, they sense. They feel as if they were thrust forcibly into a new world. That’s what is now pressing all the time like this (gesture of pressure and descent). In spite of an apparent weakness (which is purely illusory), there’s a… tremendous Force here. Mind you, it’s a Force seemingly too strong for the body; but when the body stays VERY quiet, like this… (gesture, hands open), and as nonexistent as possible, then all goes well. |
10. June 1972 – No Point in Complaining But it doesn’t matter. Since we have agreed to do it, let’s do it. There’s no point in complaining. But the Power — the Power is stupendous, only… (Mother points to her body), this is like a mockery: the slightest thing gets inordinately magnified! Even physically. Physically, it’s so strange, I’ve got insect bites on a spot that’s completely covered (Mother touches her leg); for a mosquito to reach it is impossible. And, I don’t know… I am told there are no fleas or bugs here! One must be, one absolutely must be… passively receptive. The slightest activity brings back the old way, I don’t know. For me, now, it’s (gesture, hands open). When I am like that, time flies by. Time doesn’t exist anymore. When the old way comes back, a few minutes seem interminable. Something is really happening… a new way of time. I remember (I don’t know when it was, whether at night or… but it was at a moment when I was quiet, when I was alone), I remember telling you, “You see, THIS is the Supramental.” “This is IT, I know, THIS is the Supramental.” I said that to you. But when I tried to recall it so as to keep it in the ordinary consciousness (not the “ordinary” consciousness: the intermediary consciousness, like this — gesture of a bridge — the one I have all the time), it… it sort of evaporated. When I am not active, when I am like now, it’s crystal clear: that’s IT. |
17. June 1972 – Message Sri Aurobindo is an emanation of the Supreme who came on earth to announce the manifestation of a new race and the new world, the Supramental. Let us prepare for it in all sincerity and eagerness. |
18. June 1972 – Trust the Divine and the Divine looks after you What has to be done for each one is done. Our consciousness is limited (microscopic gesture), it sees only a little part. The divine Consciousness is… (gesture): it sees. What has to be done for each one is done. If someone has given himself to the Divine and trusts the Divine, the Divine looks after him. And… (how to explain?) for instance, all that has to be done for you is being done every minute; and if you in turn ask the Divine to look after someone, that too is done. And done for the best. But this best is as the Divine sees it. You must be in peace. The peace of absolute trust. Peace has the power to annul the obstacles. |
23. June 1972 – Message Jesus is one of the many forms the Divine has assumed to come in contact with the earth. But there are and will be many others. Auroville’s children must replace the exclusivism of one religion by the vast faith of Knowledge. |
24. June 1972 – Our Old Believes What is unreceptive in that person distorts the Action. Take for example someone who is ill and BELIEVES in the reality of his illness; the effect of the Action is lessened in proportion to his wrong belief. It’s hard to explain. But what did you want to ask? Yesterday afternoon, for instance, I vomited — I wasn’t sick. I don’t know how to explain it… The way to take food had to change. I mean, this happened to make me understand the attitude I had to have in taking food. But I wasn’t sick: it was AS IF I were sick. It was just meant to make me understand the attitude with which to eat. It was like an object lesson — I understood. If I hadn’t vomited, I wouldn’t have paid any attention. So the people around me should have a certain bearing towards me, take certain precautions; and in order to do so they must think and believe certain things, otherwise they won’t do it. And that’s how things happen quite naturally. Everything is organized down to the minutest detail, but it’s not preplanned as we do with our ordinary consciousness: the Force Simply PRESSES down and produces the required result. I could almost say: by any means whatsoever — any necessary means. It’s a Force that is PRESSING down upon the earth and making people do the most improbable things, those who seem the worst as well as the best, just to… to obtain the necessary result. All our notions of good and evil are… We have to keep reacting to things, precisely the reactions based on “good” and “evil,” the human conception of good and evil (it isn’t exactly a human “conception,” but an approximation of the Harmony)… Vibrations… vibrations transmitting the Divine without distortion. That’s it. That’s what is needed. And depending on circumstances or people, it takes one form or another — you understand? The Action is evident…. And it is the ego’s authority which is disappearing — increasingly disappearing. With total acceptance, you know, one that doesn’t even need to understand. We always want to understand in the old mental way — there’s NO NEED to understand. An acceptance like this (gesture, hands open). Under that Pressure, the old remnants of authority, the remnants of the ego’s authority should disappear and be replaced by this (same gesture, hands open): a receptivity and obedience (not “obedience,” because there is no need to understand): to be impelled exclusively by the Divine. This in place of the ego. The last traces of the ego getting erased, and… (gesture, hands open) being replaced by… (same gesture). I continually have the feeling (fifty times a day, perhaps) of being a little baby (gesture, kicking hands and legs), completely wrapped in and tossed about by the divine forces! (laughter) Exactly like that. There are still… It isn’t completely transparent, naturally, there still remain some old things, the ego’s old rule over the body, which causes grating and friction, but otherwise… otherwise just like a baby! Like a baby. |
28. June 1972 – Like Two Ways of Relationship with the Divine Strange, it comes in gusts. A sudden gust comes in which everything is clear — the supermind is evident. And the body sees, it even sees what it is expected to do. The next minute, poof! (gesture of curtaining) it’s veiled again. These are like two different ways of being in relationship with the Divine — both are relationships with the Divine: one is the old way and the other the new way. Formerly, you see, whenever I had a difficulty, I would immediately curl up in my relationship with the Divine, and it would go away. But now it’s no longer the same. The relationship with the Divine is itself on a different footing. So really… (Mother gestures to indicate that she does not know). My shelter, my lifelong shelter, which helped me get through everything, seems to be gone. Now… it’s no longer the same. Now, that, too, has to be surpassed. (Mother shakes her head and raises her arms as if to say: but how?) |