Juli 1972 |
01. July 1972 – Clinging to the Divine All, absolutely all the reactions are new. But I don’t find the… My only impression is that of CLINGING to the Divine every minute of the day. It’s the only way out. That’s how the body functions. The body’s experience is that without the Divine, it would… crumble. That’s all. It has in fact a growing sense of nonexistence — of the absence of a separate individuality (Mother touches the skin of her hands). But it is well aware that this is only a transitional consciousness — what will be the ultimate consciousness? I don’t know. For example, the body asks the Divine, “Give me consciousness.” And there’s a kind of answer (a wordless answer): “Not yet, you would no longer want to live separated.” Like that. If the body enjoyed the complete consciousness of the divine Presence, it would no longer want, no longer want the separate consciousness. Obviously, there’s still a lot of progress to be made. What’s left of the personal consciousness feels so stupid!… But when I am like this (gesture, immobile in the Lord)… then, it’s nice. |
08. July 1972 – Under the Divine‘s Influence The body tries to be entirely under the Divine’s Influence. That’s its all-consuming preoccupation. The most external form is the mantra: the body spontaneously repeats the mantra, but that’s only the most external form. It tries. It tries to… (gesture, hands open). It aspires and tries to receive nothing but the divine Force. Food is still the big stumbling block. The body knows it must still eat, but it isn’t hungry; food just seems… It eats out of habit and necessity. It takes very little, though. |
12. July 1972 – Entering Another World I am entering ANOTHER world, another way of being… which might be called a dangerous way of being (in terms of the ordinary consciousness). As if… Dangerous, but wonderful — how to express it? First, the [body’s] subconscient is in the process of changing, and that is long, arduous and painful… but marvelous as well. The feeling of… (gesture as if standing on a ridge). More and more, the body’s sensation is that faith alone can save — knowledge is not yet possible, so only faith can save. But “faith can save” still sounds like an old manner of speaking… How to phrase it?… The feeling that the relation between what we call “life” and what we call “death” is becoming more and more different — yes, different (Mother nods her head), completely different. Not that death disappears, mind you (death as we see it, as we know it and in relation to life as we know it): that’s not it, not it at all. BOTH are changing… into something we don’t yet know, which seems at once extremely dangerous and absolutely marvelous. Dangerous: the least mistake has catastrophic consequences. And marvelous. It is the consciousness, the true consciousness of immortality — not “immortality” as we understand it, something else. Something else. Our natural tendency is to want certain things to be true (those we deem favorable) and other things to disappear — but that’s not it! It isn’t like that. EVERYTHING is different. From time to time, for a moment (a brief moment): a marvel. But the very next minute: the feeling of… a dangerous unknown. There you are. That’s how I spend my time. The subconscient is full of, oh, full of fears, of anxieties, of… That place is disgusting (gesture rising from below). The body doesn’t even have faith in its own faith! That’s right: it feels its faith isn’t the real thing, it doesn’t have faith in its own faith. Life… life used to be simpler with that faith that predominated over all else, but now… (gesture of a complete collapse). |
15. July 1972 – Message “One must not confuse a religious teaching and a spiritual teaching. Religious teaching belongs to the past and stops all progress, spiritual teaching is the teaching of the future. It enlightens the consciousness and prepares it for the future realization. “A spiritual teaching is above religions and strives towards a total truth. It teaches us to come into direct contact with the Divine.” “Sri Aurobindo’s message is an immortal sunlight radiating over the future.” |
19. July 1972 – The Subconscient is a Mire! In the subconscient there is an accumulation of defeatism. That’s what keeps rising to the surface. As we ABSOLUTELY need to change that, the subconscient must be clarified so that the new race can come. We must clarify the subconscient. It’s a mire. It’s full of defeatism — defeatism, the first reaction is always defeatist. It’s absolutely disgusting, I’ve seen it, I am working there… a disgusting place. We absolutely must… we must be categorical and vigorous — fearless, you know. Change it MUST. We must… (To Satprem) You have the capacity to… (Mother drives her fist down into Matter). Defeatism belongs to the subconscient — it MUST change, it must. Defeatism is anti-divine. There’s but one way: to want what the Supreme Consciousness wants — whatever the consequences in terms of our silly little conception. Personally, I call it the “Supreme Consciousness” because I don’t want to say “God”… It’s full of… the very word is full of deception. It’s not that way, it’s… WE ARE — We are the Divine who has forgotten Himself. And our task, the task is to reestablish the connection — call it by any name you like, it doesn’t matter. It’s the Perfection we must become, that’s all. The Perfection, the Power, the Knowledge we must become, that’s all. Call it what you like, it doesn’t matter to me. That’s the aspiration we must have. We must get out of this mire, this stupidity, this unconsciousness, this disgusting defeatism that crushes us because we allow ourselves to be crushed. And we fear. We fear for its life (Mother touches the skin of her hands), for this thing, as if it were precious, because we want to stay conscious. But let’s unite with the Supreme Consciousness, and we’ll stay conscious forever! That’s IT, that’s exactly it. I could put it this way: we unite our consciousness with what is perishable and we’re afraid to perish! I Well, I say: let’s unite our consciousness with the eternal Consciousness and we will enjoy eternal consciousness. How stupid can one be! We must… we must put this at the service of the Divine — always. Always. With faith, an absolute faith: whatever happens is what the Divine wants to see happen. The Divine — I say “Divine” because I know what I mean by that word, I mean supreme Knowledge, supreme Beauty, supreme Goodness, supreme Will — all… all that must be manifested in order to express… what must be expressed. We are disgusted with the world as it is — and we have the POWER to change it. But we are such fools that we can’t bring ourselves to abdicate our silly little personality to… to let the Marvel unfold. And that’s all accumulated in the subconscient: everything we have rejected is there, and now it must be brought in contact with the transforming Force… so that this unconsciousness may come to an end. |
22. July 1972 – Message Man is the creation of yesterday. Sri Aurobindo has come to announce the creation of tomorrow. “The creation of tomorrow, the advent of the supramental being.” Because they are likely to call it “superman” if I don’t put “supramental being.” The advent of the supramental being. …That all the preoccupations stemming from the other consciousness, the old human consciousness, however enlightened it is, are to be left aside for the moment to allow the full emergence into that Consciousness. |
26. July 1972 – No need for Material Energy Yes, I know — because they just see this appearance, which is quite… I tell you: I do things, and I don’t know how I do them. There’s a kind of… Oh, but the most fascinating field of experience is food 11 am not hungry, I don’t feel like eating, food doesn’t interest me by any means, yet they bring me my meal, and I “have” to eat — sometimes I eat (always in small quantity), but since I don’t move and don’t work, I don’t need material energy, so I don’t need to eat much, and I don’t think I am losing weight (Mother touches her arms). |
29. July 1972 – To Conquer Death through Death As if to demonstrate that you have to go through death in order to conquer death. Exactly. And just as you are about to cross the threshold, suddenly it’s all righted. I thought I was the only one experiencing that, and I was happy to do it for everybody, but evidently some people feel it also — you feel it. And it shows there’s a sort of… difference — a mere difference of attitude; a difference of attitude: the body can either fall apart or be transformed. And it’s… almost the same procedure; only the attitude is different. If you have absolute trust in the Divine and feel to what point the Divine is everywhere and in everything, if you want to depend only on the Divine, belong only to the Divine, then it’s perfect. But the least conflict… and it’s like the gates of death suddenly yawning. But all you have to do is… feel that divine Presence within you, you know, stronger than everything. One feels It could revive all the dead if It wanted — just like that, you know. To that Presence… it doesn’t make any difference. My body is learning to repeat unceasingly: what You will, what You will… (Mother opens her hands). I have no preference: it’s REALLY what You will. For a time, I had hoped to be conscious of “what You will” — but now there’s only: what You will (hands open). To be conscious of You. To be conscious of You. |