May 1971 |
01. May 1971 – The Divine inside and outside There’s only one direction — toward the Divine. And as you know, it’s as much inside as outside, above as below. Everywhere. It’s in this very world that we must find the Divine and cling to Him — to Him alone, there’s no other way. It’s not here or there, it’s everywhere, but… |
05. May 1971 – About Russians I have great hope for the Russians… I don’t know why… They’ve had an experience and have realized the emptiness of it all. |
08. May 1971 – Another Few Hundred Years Well, that means the world is not ready! It will take another few hundred years. You see, the faith of people is a superstition — it’s not faith, it’s superstition. Now there are more and more people who think they have faith, and they ask me ridiculous things! They have superstitions like… Someone brings me a child born with a deformed arm, and the superstition is that if I put my hand on the arm of the child, he’ll be healed… Things like that. It’s completely stupid. That’s not Power! They need a little miracle, you know, at their level. But even those who might have a power… Look how it is: certain people could have a power, they would just have to have the true inspiration — they’re afraid of it! They reject the true inspiration, because they think that things have to follow their “natural” course — so-called natural. Humanity rejects the true miracle. It only believes in… They have chosen, they have chosen the path of the turtle. So that’s how it will be. There are moments — what Sri Aurobindo called The Hour of God — there are moments when the true, the true miracle is possible; if that moment is missed, then the world will go… at its turtle pace. And it’s hard — a lot of suffering, a lot of complications… But faith, who has faith? True faith. But its collapse will crush many things at the same time. That’s the point; it’s true, that’s what is going to happen, but the collapse will crush many things. |
12. May 1971 – The Danger from China But already quite some time ago I saw China invading India, even South India. And that’s the worst of catastrophes — the Chinese don’t have a psychic being. The Chinese have a lunar origin and they don’t have a psychic being (there are exceptions, but I mean in general), and so one can expect ANYTHING from them — every possible horror. I’ve seen them — all, everywhere… horrible! I’ve seen the Chinese in this room. But several times during the last years that thought has come to me, Mother — several times it came to me. Which is the end of everything. I mean, it will probably take centuries before things can return to normalcy. You see, there are limits to the horrors men can commit because, in spite of everything, there is a psychic being behind that curbs them — but the Chinese don’t have one. |
15. May 1971 – Representation of Countries At one point in the text, he briefly mentions what he thinks each country represents: France = Clarity of intellect Germany = Ingenuity Russia = The brotherhood of man United States = Practical organization. The Greater History tells us that the whole earth is a single body with a single destiny, but that within that single destiny each part of the greater body, each nation, has its special role to play and its rare moments of choice when it must make the decisive gesture, its true gesture in the total movement of the great Eternal History. Each nation is a symbol. Each gesture of each nation potentially represents a little victory in the total victory or a little defeat in the total defeat. And sometimes the whole of our history is at stake at a symbolic point of the earth; and, a little gesture, a tiny turn to the right or left, has repercussions, either good or bad, down the ages and over the entire earth body. The time has come to consider the eternal Landmarks and read the greater tide in the small eddies. Now, the greater tide tells us that India’s role is to be the spiritual heart of the terrestrial body just as, for example, the role of France is to express clarity of intellect, or that of Germany to express skill, Russia the brotherhood of man and the United States enthusiasm for adventure and practical organization, etc. But only if India is ONE can she fulfill this role, for how can one who is herself divided lead others? Thus the division of India is the first Falsehood that must disappear, for it is the symbol of the earth’s division. As long as India is not one, the world cannot be one. India’s striving for unity is the symbolic drama of the world’s striving for unity. For the battle of India is the battle of the world. This is where the world’s tragic destiny is brewing, or its last-minute burst of hope into a new world of Truth and Light, for it is said that the deepest darkness lies nearest the most luminous light. |
22. May 1971 – To be limpid! You see, the Will comes, but then all the formations come in and decay its execution — I would like… I would like my atmosphere to be… a limpid transmitter, utterly limpid. I don’t even try to know what it is, because that too introduces an ordinary human element. A limpid, limpid transmitter: let it come like this (gesture of direct descent), pure, in all its purity — even if it is overwhelming. At bottom we don’t know why one thing is like this, another thing is like that, and our vision is… even if our vision is worldwide, it is so small, so small — so exclusive: we want this, we do not want that. First and FOREMOST to be an instrument: we must be LIMPID, limpid, things must pass through undistorted and unobstructed. Actually, that’s how I spend all my time, trying to be like that. Just a few days ago, the disaster seemed to be closing in. And so, at that moment, it was as if my whole being… what’s the word? (Mother clenches her fists), were, yes, you can call it an aspiration for the true Victory — not the one sought by this side or that side or… — the true Victory. ALL the difficulties seemed to have been as though a light shone: the possibility of Victory. It’s still… not miraculous, but the intervention… it’s the intervention of the Supreme Wisdom — will it concretize? We’ll see. It seems, it seems to be coming like this (gesture at a certain height, her two palms turned downward), as a possibility. |
22. May 1971 – The Tail of the Devil That’s always there… It’s everything that does not want the Divine which creates the atmosphere deliberately to discourage those who want the Divine. You must… you mustn’t pay any attention. It’s the device of the devil. Pessimism is the devil’s tool, for he feels his own situation is… (shaky gesture). You know, if the possibility I see materializes, it will really be a decisive Victory over the adverse forces — naturally they fight back as best as they can. But that’s always the devil, as soon as you see even the tail of pessimism, it’s the devil. That’s his great tool. |
25. May 1971 – Divine Victory is certain! Deep within. To feel the Light, the Force, the Joy, the Certainty — the Certainty. The Divine Victory is certain. It cannot be otherwise. He must let the Divine enfold him completely. |
30. May 1971 – Falsehood Falsehood has become acute and terrible. It has to go, so it’s clinging. Since yesterday it’s become so terrible that no one can be trusted. |