June 1971 |
06. June 1971 – A certain Way of Being All circumstances have been furiously teaching the body to… call all the time, all the time — to call the Divine. And so now it’s got into the habit of repeating its mantra, and it repeats it ALL THE TIME. It’s a curious thing: if it repeats it, everything runs smoothly; if it doesn’t, it can’t even swallow food — everything seems on the verge of falling apart; so it repeats its mantra, and everything goes quite well. When it thinks of nothing but the Divine, everything is fine. This morning, while I was having breakfast, that’s how it was. It was so plain! If the body thinks about eating, everything goes wrong; if it repeats its mantra, it can absorb the food, it doesn’t even notice it, everything becomes so easy. Very interesting… The same goes for people: when they’re here, if I think about them, if I think there are difficulties, then… (grating gesture), but if I am like this (peaceful gesture, immovable in the Lord), everything goes well, quite naturally. It’s a lesson, but a relentless one. And it has some old remnants of atavism. There’s (Mother laughs) a sort of fear — an altogether childish fear: “If I think of the Divine, there are going to be difficulties to be overcome”; that’s how it is in the cells (not everywhere, there’s very little of it, like some old remnants of something dragging over from previous lives), so then I laugh. The body asks but one thing, to melt into the Divine, to be nothing but That, to cease to exist separately — then all is well. It’s very interesting. It’s really the sadhana of the body, and in quite a compelling way — absolutely compelling. And when it leaves That, it feels it’s going to disintegrate the very next minute — that it is the only thing that keeps it together; without That, it doesn’t exist anymore. That became quite concrete today. Humanity has a dread (it must have been necessary at one time, some thousands of years ago, I don’t know), a dread of the Divine. The human animal. For him, it is equivalent to disappearing. And in effect it is the disappearance of the ego. And the disappearance of that [physical] ego… for a long time one has had the impression that if the ego disappears, the being disappears, the form disappears — but that’s not true! It isn’t true. In any case, it has become ready [Mother’s body] to live without an ego… The trouble is that life’s ordinary laws no longer hold. Which means all the old habit, plus the new thing to be learned. It’s as if the cells — not the body’s cells: the organization that makes up the form (that holds everything together and makes up a form, a form we call human), it’s as if that had to learn it can go on living without the sense of separate individuality. Curious. Without the sense of ego. While for thousands of years it’s been accustomed to existing separately only because of the ego — without ego it goes on… according to another law the body doesn’t yet know, and which… it finds incomprehensible. It has nothing to do with a will, it’s not… I don’t know… a something… a way of being. But then, billions of ways of being. It has to learn to be a certain way of being. |
09. June 1971 – The Divine and Mr. Ego What I said is the Truth, and the ONLY remedy: to exist only for the Divine to exist only by the Divine to exist only to serve the Divine to exist only… by becoming divine. There you are. There isn’t any “you,” there isn’t any “we must be patient,” there isn’t any “it will come in its own time,” there isn’t any… of all those very reasonable things, they don’t exist anymore — it’s That (Mother lowers her fist sharply), like a sword-blade. It’s That. And it’s That DESPITE EVERYTHING: the Divine. The Divine alone. All that hodgepodge of bad will and revolt and… all that (Mother raises an unalterable finger) has to be swept away. And that which says that we will perish or be destroyed by That is the ego — it is Mr. Ego trying to pass himself off as the true being. But the body has learned that even without ego it is what it is, because it is that by the Divine Will and not at all by the ego — we exist by the Divine Will and not by the ego. The ego was a means — a centuries-old means. Centuries old. Now, it’s worthless, it’s time is over. It had its time, it had its usefulness — it’s over, it’s past, it’s way past. Now… (Mother lowers her fist sharply): consciousness is the Divine; power is the Divine; action is the Divine; individuality is the Divine. And the body has understood, sensed very well; it has realized and understood, as they say in English, that the sense of being a separate personality is PERFECTLY useless, perfectly useless, it is not in the least indispensable to its existence, it’s perfectly useless. It exists by another power and another will, which is not individual, not personal: the Divine Will. And it will become what it is supposed to be the day it feels there is no difference between itself and the Divine. That’s all. All the rest is falsehood — false, false, false, and a falsehood that must disappear. There is only ONE reality, there is only ONE life, there is only ONE consciousness (Mother lowers her fist sharply): the Divine. |
16. June 1971 – Onslaught of Falsehood It’s quite a current truth [the onslaught]. Oh, that [the dissolution of the ego] is perfect; that should be published, it’s my everyday experience, every minute, all the time…. That should be published now. You know, it’s my experience every minute, for every single thing, constantly: for rest, for activity, for food, for everything, for action with people, for everything, everything; it’s a kind of… I could almost say a possession by the Divine. And my body senses that it exists only like this (fists clenched, clinging to the Divine): without That, there is nothing. Ah, the experience is constant and total! (Mother goes within) It’s interesting: EVERYTHING is useful — everything is useful, everything is necessary, in its place in time and space (it’s something that is neither time nor space: in the Manifestation, we could say), and it becomes falsehood when it tries to last after its time is over. So what is needed is to be able to be within the Movement — the Movement of eternal Unfolding — where things… become truer and truer. For in the total and eternal Movement, all things become truer and truer. |