4. Oktober 1958 (Geld – Money)
Money belongs to the one who
spends it; that is an absolute law. You may pile up money, but it doesn’t
belong to you until you spend it. Then you have the merit, the glory, the joy,
the pleasure of spending it!
Money is meant to circulate. What
should remain constant is the progressive movement of an increase in the earth’s
production—an ever-expanding progressive movement to increase the earth’s
production and improve existence on earth. It is the material improvement of
terrestrial life and the growth of the earth’s production that must go on
expanding, enlarging, and not this silly paper or this inert metal that is
amassed and lifeless.
Money is not
meant to generate money; money should generate an increase in production, an
improvement in the conditions of life and a progress in human consciousness.
This is its true use. What I call an improvement in consciousness, a progress
in consciousness, is everything that education in all its forms can provide—not
as it’s generally understood, but as we understand it here: education in
art, education in … from the education of the body, from the most
material progress, to the spiritual education and progress through yoga; the
whole spectrum, everything that leads humanity towards its future realization.
Money should serve to augment that and to augment the material base for the
earth’s progress, the best use of what the earth can give—its
intelligent utilization, not the utilization that wastes and loses energies. The
use that allows energies to be replenished...
10. April 1968 (Geld – Money)
Geld gehört niemandem: Geld
ist ein kollektives Gut, das nur von denjenigen verwendet werden sollte, die
eine integrale, allgemeine und universelle Vision besitzen. Ich möchte
folgendes hinzufügen: nicht allein integral und allgemein sondern auch
essenziell Wahr, d.h. jemand mit dem nötigen Unterscheidungsvermögen zwischen
einer Verwendung, die dem universellen Fortschritt entspricht, und einer bloßen
Laune. Das sind aber Details, denn selbst die Fehler, selbst die Vergeudung,
kommt, von einem bestimmten Standpunkt aus betrachtet, dem allgemeinen
Fortschritt zugute: man lernt aus den Fehlern.
Money belongs
to no one: money is a collective property that only those with an integral and
general, universal vision must use. And let me add, a vision not only integral
and general, but also essentially True, which means you can distinguish between
an utilization that might be called fanciful. But those are details, because
even errors – even, from a certain point of view, wasteful uses – help in the
general progress: they are lessons in reverse.