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Stored QUERY of DatabaseDATEIDStored QUERY of DatabaseDATEID
5001"Bath" in the "Big Hotel"05.Oct19633620
2 Ways of Relationship with the Divine28.Jun197248685 luminous cigars; Have a wrestler's relationship!07.Oct19643738
A big Asuric being appears as Sri Aurobindo03.Apr19623396A brief Wonder 25.Nov19643763
A certain Way of Being05.May19714626A change of government 17.Apr19684244
A complete Stillness & absolute Aspiration18.Oct19694420A consciousness with foresight11.Feb19674056
A constant phenomenon 03.May19633546A critical hostile voice; sudden death04.Oct19674168
A Cyclone within 09.Dec19724938A discovery and confirmation31.Jul19633590
A Divine Victory 23.Oct19684301A dream of a better place18.Jan19643660
A few experiences of the body consciousnessApr19543008A fierceness in the resistance09.Jan19653770
A frightful battle in the Subconscient11.Dec19633642A German industrial magnate visiting Mother03.Dec19633639
A Gift for the Body21.Feb19704465A great Presence 16.Nov19684307
A Harmony unknown to this World22.Jan19724766A Letter by Sri Aurobindo07.Dec19633641
A letter by Sri Aurobindo18.Jul19643698A letter from Sri Aurobindo to Mother07.Aug19684280
A line from Savitri17.Feb19623380A Lived Faith 21.Nov19643761
A long way to go! 28.Nov19643764A mystery betw. physical & subtle physical body02.Aug19674141
A new “denser” substance18.Jun19653832A New Ashram19.May19724844
A New Language is needed08.Oct19603186A new perception of life18.Sep19643730
A new process 07.Nov19643755A Night with Sri Aurobindo: about Auroville31.May19694380
A painstaking Work10.Sep19694410A period of battles15.May19653810
A Physical Being for the New Power01.Sep19714678A place of the subtle physical30.Aug19674154
A Point of Concentration11.Apr19704500A Prayer from Prayers and Meditations23.Apr19563021
A psychic benevolence28.Sep19684296A Region of Nature 22.Apr19704507
A replica of Mother's father in Japan08.Aug19643710A sense of absolute security27.Nov19623496
A sincere Heart; New Phenomenon during the night19.Jul19694390A story of healing hands 04.Oct19674166
A transitional period 22.Jun19633568A transitional state 15.Jan19643656
A trick for the cells 30.Jun19653842A Type of Consciousness17.Mar19734977
A Universal Unfolding 18.Apr19613268A vast dead-calm rest 17.Jul19633580
A very striking experience21.Dec19573049A very strong action on the consciousness22.Aug19643720
A view of knowledge-vision19.Aug19674150A vision with Sri Aurobindo30.Jun19653840
A Web envelopes the Earth07.Aug19714664A wonderful Presence31.Jan19734962
A World being built31.Oct19704562Abolition of all personal Existence03.Jan19734952
Abolition of Preference & Desire31.Jan19704459Abolition of the Mind16.Apr19694353
About 1915: Mother left her psychic being behind14.Mar19643682About Children14.Nov19704570
About Christianity 29.Jul19674136About Collective Yoga 03.Jul19573038
About death07.Mar19674068About Death and Consciousness07.Feb19704461
About dying disciples 27.Jul19633586About Europe29.Jan19694328
About Exteriorization 27.Jan19623366About Falsehood24.Mar19734984
About fanatic Arabs 06.Sep19724896About Flowers04.Feb19613228
About GERMANY22.Sep19623462About JAPA03.Feb19623372
About Jesus's death! 25.Jan19643664About Karma03.Feb19623368
About Kennedy's death20.Nov19653901About Money04.Oct19583110
About Mother's experience of 13. November15.Nov19583128About Mother’s experience on Darshan day16.Aug19674149
About Nirvana13.Aug19633598About Nirvana30.Oct19623480
About publishing the Agenda13.Mar19623394About Questions & Answers10.Jul19603173
About religion and sin07.Oct19674170About Russians05.May19714628
About Sadhana08.Sep19623458About Satprem's mental activity29.Nov19694434
About Satprem‘s eye problem 20.Sep19724902About Satprem’s Book25.Nov19704572
About Sri Aurobindo's departure21.May19694374About Sri Aurobindo’s Life10.Mar19714608
About the conversation of 03. May 1963 29.May19633558About the events of the Ashram attack24.Feb19653780
About Théon and Sri Aurobindo09.Aug19724890About Tirupathi22.Jan19694326
About transformation15.Nov19674190About Translator’s Ego14.Feb19734967
About Truth16.Dec19674199About Vivekananda; Deleting Q & A!23.May19613280
About World Union05.Jun19653818Absolute omnipotence; Limitations of the body 03.Apr19674078
Accept everything as coming from the Divine17.Dec19603205Access to the Supramental World12.Jan19623354
Action of the Supreme Consciousness08.Jun19663969Activities at night 14.Aug19643714
Activity in the Subtle World09.May19704514ADDENDUM – The Secret of the Veda30.Oct19613334
ADDENDUM (Notes of Auroville’s Architect)08.Feb19694333Addendum to Mother's experience on Jan. 2431.Jan19613224
Adversaries are a form of the Supreme30.Sep19643736Adversity is within us 25.May19684256
Afraid of the Invisible06.Sep19694408After Mother's concentration26.Jul19603177
Afterlife, Soul, and Psychic Being03.Nov19664025Agenda of the Supramental action on Earth19.Mar19563017
All Appearances are Illusions 31.May19724852All is willed by the Lord02.Nov19724918
All kinds of contacts with people06.Oct19583112All our Difficulties are Onion Skins11.Aug19643713
All Principles of Morality26.Feb19694338All the complications we create16.Oct19633623
Almost limitless Power09.May19734996Always listen to the Lord04.Aug19653860
Always with Sri Aurobindo; Feeling of a catastrophe25.Jan19674048America, England, Russia, China, Japan18.Jun19653834
America’s aspiration27.Jan19714590An absolute receptive Passivity05.Jul19583086
An adverse formation07.Dec19653910An all-powerful Will10.Feb19684218
An Apprentice in Supermanhood10.May19583070An Assurance of Triumph24.Oct19643750
An Atmosphere of Resistance06.Mar19714606An existent contact 19.Jul19674130
An IMMENSITY of Power23.Feb19633524An interminable work13.Nov19684306
An uninterrupted series of tests12.Nov19573041Announcement of the New World25.May19633556
Another Few Hundred Years08.May19714630Another four years 04.Mar19643678
As the Divine sees the World27.Nov19714718Aspiration and self-giving04.May19684250
Attack of the Hostile ForcesNoDate19583054Attack on the Ashram19.Feb19653778
Attacks on Mother’s health24.Feb19623382Attitude of absolute Surrender21.Oct19724912
Auroville 04.Sep19714680Auroville30.Aug19694405
Auroville25.Mar19704482Auroville - No more personal Possession20.Sep19694412
Auroville – Matrimandir31.Dec19694448Auroville: the Cradle of Superman22.Mar19694345
Auroville’s charter 28.Feb19684226Auroville’s true role in the World21.Sep19664011
Awakening the body 03.Sep19664003Awareness of Body and Cells19.Feb19694336
Awesome Power 22.Apr19704508Backdrop28.Mar19734987
BE SIMPLE!16.Sep19613324Beautiful places of the vital world09.Oct19684298
Become Searchlights of the Divine17.Mar19714614Before meditation 23.Dec19603208
Beginning of the New Body13.May19704516Being a non-interfering witness17.Feb19684222
Being patient!05.Sep19623454Being Tranquil14.Mar19734975
Between Imbecility and Genius03.Jun19724854Between two chasms 28.May19663965
Beyond Overmind15.Sep19623460Black magic against the MotherDec19583138
Black magic against the Mother21.Mar19613260Blue Light and vibrations19.Mar19633534
Body and Consciousness28.Feb19704469Body Transformation25.Mar19704483
Both forms of transition possible06.Mar19633526Breathless08.Apr19704498
Buried or burned?16.Oct19623474Burn the past with the fire of aspiration08.Jul19674124
Burning people after death28.May19603168Capability of the physical body28.Nov19583136
Capitalism & Communism are coming to an end21.Mar19563020Catholicism and Communism29.Jun19633570
Change of Mother's body consciousness27.Mar19613262Change of Organisation of the Mind26.Mar19734985
Change of senses to see the Subtle World27.Jun19613290Changing governments 14.Aug19643716
Chinese: the lunar race30.Oct19623478Christianity, religion, and France03.Jul19633574
Cling to the Divine14.Apr19714618Cling to the Mother... 24.May19724846
Cling to Truth22.Mar19674072Clinging to the Divine 01.Jul19724870
Color of Consciousness18.May19633552Communicating with the Psychic13.Dec19714732
Complete New Body 24.Mar19724804Completely new for the body!23.Apr19694355
Concentrating on what I'm doing24.Sep19603182Concerning the disciple’s tantric guru25.Oct19583118
Conditions to become Aurovilian03.Jun19674108Confrontation with the own difficulties 16.Sep19674160
Consciousness15.Jan19694325Consciousness and Faith25.Feb19674062
Consciousness hasn't changed!05.Sep19704549Consciousness of Physical Being16.Jan19714588
Consciousness replaces Thoughts 30.Aug19724894Constant Action30.Apr19694361
Constant Invocation24.Jul19714658Constant negation of inner life07.Aug19633594
Constant Vision 17.Jun19704530Constantly calling the Lord!18.Jul19623438
Constantly giving Lessons to the Body19.Mar19694344Contact with the inner Divine30.Nov19623498
Continuation of Mother's previous experienceFeb 19583058Continuation of the first seven Sutras17.Oct19583116
Contradictions from Subconscient04.Nov19724920Conversation with Sri Aurobindo before he departed26.Jul19694392
Creation can be so marvelous...24.May19694376Days of Horror16.Sep19704555
Death and Consciousness 18.May19684252Death is a Distortion of Consciousness 25.Dec19714744
Death, Suffering, Pain10.May19694368Decentralization of the cells03.Jun19684260
Deep in Transformation 04.Aug19714662Democracy is idiotic!16.Aug19694399
Demonstration of the Divine's Existence03.Jul19714648Description of Mother's experience12.Jan19623356
Destruction of the physical Ego06.Jan19684207Destruction vs Transformation27.Dec19674202
Detach one's Consciousness from the Body01.Feb19694330Difference between material and physical Mind31.Aug19653874
Different Regions18.Apr19704504Difficulties 01.Feb19724770
Difficulties to disappear26.Mar19694346Dilemma of languages; Mother’s sensation23.Apr19684246
Diminishing Consciousness08.Dec19674197Disease and New Consciousness14.Mar19704474
Diseases; becoming a Divine Doctor26.Sep19643734Disgusted with life is the beginning 09.Nov19664027
Disintegration of the physical ego24.May19603166Distortion of consciousness15.Feb19674058
Disturbance in the Atmosphere21.Mar19734980Divine Grace31.Jan19704458
Divine Impulsion, Physical Mind18.Dec19714738Divine Truth and Love20.Dec19674200
Divine Victory is certain!25.May19714640Dizziness of Physical Consciousness07.Mar19704472
Doctors, treatment, disorders04.Dec19653909Don't be afraid of illness; Crazy World22.Oct19664022
Don't speak about experiences!Jul(?)19583098Down-to-earth state20.Jul19633582
Durga11.Oct19674172Durga’s surrender 15.Oct19664020
Durga’s victory; Auroville; before the Divine Power14.Oct19674174Earth's Darkness effects Mother31.May19694381
Earthly Paradise19.Jul19583092Ego is the Obstruction 13.Apr19724818
Energetic and conscious sleep04.Jun19603170Entering a New World 21.Aug19714672
Entering Another World 12.Jul19724874Enwrapped in the Divine26.Feb19724792
Even the pettiest Work...27.Sep19694415Every Minute a Discovery22.Nov19724928
Everything is becoming strange14.May19663955Everything is the Lord Himself!11.Jul19623434
Everything is the Result of the Divine04.Dec19714726Evolution of Inconscient to Subconscient02.Aug19613308
Experience of Immortality28.Aug19653872Experience of LSD 12.Apr19674082
Experience of SAT 07.Nov19623486Experience of the Consciousness27.Jun19704534
Experience of the Inner God16.Oct19714704Experience of the New Consciousness24.Jan19613218
Experience of the Physical Being 27.Oct19714708Experience of the Supramental Ship03.Feb19583056
Experiences30.Aug19694407Experimenting with time31.Jan19613226
ExteriorizationNoDate19583122Extraordinary Power26.Apr19694357
Extreme Stubbornness is needed!28.Aug19623450False Statement10.Apr19734991
Falsehood30.May19714642Fear is insincerity 26.May19674104
Fear of death 26.Jun19684268Fear: Should not fear physical Sensations!22.Nov19694432
Feeling of a Miracle 11.May19583072Feeling of Nothingness 13.May19724840
Feeling unaccomplished... being patient!31.Dec19653919Filariasis in Mother's body14.Mar19613254
FIRST SUPRAMENTAL MANIFESTATION29.Feb19563015Floating within this Consciousness16.Oct19684299
Flooding with letters 20.Aug19603179Flowers and Auroville’s charter07.Feb19684216
Flowers and their meanings25.Feb19613246Following Théon’s indication21.May19694373
Food 27.Mar19653794For Auroville17.Sep19694411
Forgetting the Past21.Apr19714620Frightening Pressure 08.Mar19724794
Frightfully swift movement06.Nov19653898From Questions and Answers 02.May19563025
Full support to the harmony03.May19674092Gita: the Experience of Oneness06.Oct19623470
God is everything and everywhere!02.Jul19583084Gods of the Puranas; Théon & Questions04.Nov19583120
Going through a dull period! 30.Mar19633540Great Passivity for the Force is needed18.Oct19694419
Great Tension of War26.May19674103Harmonious equilibrium in life22.Apr19674086
Having no power to do everything, one knows nothing!28.Apr19653804Having no Powers 21.Oct19643748
Healing Hands20.Sep19694413Hitler and the Lord of Falsehood 12.Jan19653772
Hope of transformation of the material mind21.Jul19653852Hostile attack!10.Mar19593140
How long will it take?31.Aug19623452How Pain disappears28.Mar19704486
How to eat food 31.Jan19674052How to get rid of Disease and Pain18.Mar19704478
How to remember dreams?23.Feb19633522Human dynamo 17.May19674098
Human Love and the Gods09.Aug19583104Human Nature12.Apr19724816
Human versus New Consciousness17.Nov19714716Humanity09.Feb19623376
Humanity has reached enormous state of tensionJun19583078Humans like to waste energy21.Jul19583094
I am Nothing without the Divine29.Dec19714748I AM THAT10.Mar19734974
I AM WITH YOUNoDate19573044I see the Lord smile! 28.Jul19653856
I was the Origin: gusts of Love!13.May19623400If There is a New War...19.Feb19663930
Illness 04.Aug19653862Illness: falsehood in the body & consciousness02.Oct19613330
Illnesses & bodily Disorder come from Vital & Mind01.Jan19694320Illnesses and Disorders25.Feb19704467
Immortality 08.Sep19714684Immortality and deathless state25.Nov19593154
Impotant Stages in Mother's Yoga28.Jul19623442Impression about Death 25.Aug19714674
In the middle of a transition08.Apr19643694In the Realms of Expression25.Aug19613320
In the Subtle Physical18.Apr19704502Incomprehension in People 22.Mar19724802
India: the Place of Earth's fate!19.Apr19694354India’s destiny 29.Sep19653884
Innumerable layers of Consciousness25.Oct19694422Intensifying Consciousness21.Mar19704481
Intuition on the balcony08.Oct19563033Is Money under Nature's control?06.Jul19583088
Is the Earth ready?30.Sep19704556Is the Universe an error of God?23.Jul19583096
It’s a Whole New World04.Nov19704564It’s a Woman that can build a Bridge26.Apr19724836
Joy in the body itself30.Oct19643751Kali and Krishna01.Apr19704495
Kali’s work; Mother’s vision10.Mar19653788KARMA is the construction of the EGO22.Nov19583130
Kennedy, Khrushchev, the Brits18.Jan19643658Kennedy's assassination23.Nov19633635
Krishna03.Mar19603157Lack of harmony; the white Light10.Jul19653846
Lack of understanding; Auroville 21.Jan19674046Let oneself be carried by the Supreme31.May19623414
Let the Power flow 13.Nov19714714Letter by Sri Aurobindo18.Dec19633645
Letter to Nirod19.Jan19724764Letters by Sri Aurobindo29.Jan19643668
Letters from Sri Aurobindo24.Jul19633584Letters on Yoga27.Jan19714589
Letting the Divine Consciousness act30.Sep19674164Life is Torture 10.Dec19724940
Life or Death25.Jun19694386Like a child’s prattling17.Sep19664009
Like a special, soft vibration19.May19613278Like the chick popping out of the egg 10.Oct19643740
Limitation of the German language26.Jun19653838Lived knowledge 29.Mar19674076
Living in the Consciousness04.Sep19714682Living in the Future 16.Feb19724786
Living in the Truth; Yoga of Matter11.Jun19663971Living in this New Consciousness27.Nov19653905
Living this Consciousness03.Dec19694435Lord, what You want is my Joy06.Oct19714694
Madness of the World29.Apr19714622Making a discovery every minute29.Jun19684270
Malfunctioning of the body; disorders, attacks08.Sep19623456Man creates all his difficulties14.Feb19684220
Man's Consciousness distorts...21.Jul19714656Manifest Your Love!12.Jul19613298
Manifesting the True Consciousness14.Mar19704476Mantra on the Subconscient28.Oct19724916
Many things can be done...20.Sep19603180Materialists: Protestants and Jews07.Sep19633610
Materializations and Sri Aurobindo30.Jul19694394Matrimandir21.Feb19714593
Matter can be immortal 20.Jun19623424Meaning of Joy and Felicity22.Jan19583053
Meeting with Dalai Lama20.Jan19734958Memories of a past life 02.Dec19643767
Men’s Actions25.Jul19704542Message 23.Jun19724864
Message 22.Jul19724880Message 15.Aug19674147
Message 11.Nov19724924Message 08.Dec19714728
Message 02.Jan19724752Message 15.Jan19724760
Message 15.Aug19663993Message 05.Feb19724774
Message 07.Feb19724776Message 08.Feb19724778
Message 10.Feb19724782Message 11.Feb19724784
Message 17.Mar19724798Message 19.Mar19724800
Message17.Jun19724860Message about Truth 10.Jan19684209
Message for India; on Christianity12.Aug19674145Message from Human Cycle 24.Apr19593145
Message to the healer01.Nov19694423Message; the dilemma of words27.Aug19663999
MESSAGES20.Nov19714717Messengers of Light and Truth05.Nov19704566
Microbes and the cause of diseases02.Mar19684228Mister Ego05.Apr19724812
Modern Science29.Sep19623466Money27.Aug19694403
Moral judgements 21.Aug19653868Moral, vice and virtue08.Nov19603200
Mother about her new discovery!24.May19623410Mother about her yogic development25.Jul19623440
Mother about Language, French, English18.Mar19643684Mother about publishing A. P's Evening Talks18.Feb19613244
Mother about Sri Aurobindo's work (Transformation)15.Jul19613300Mother about Universal Mother14.Oct19704560
Mother in trance 16.Nov19613341Mother is considered to be dangerous!12.Jun19623422
Mother on Her Talks13.Feb19623377Mother on Q & A 1956 23.Dec19613349
Mother on the Body-mind from Sri Aurobindo03.Jun19633560Mother on the Rishis’ experiences in the Veda07.Nov19613340
Mother receives a message13.Dec19694440Mother talks about a yesterday's experience18.Aug19613318
Mother talks about her experience of January 2418.Feb19613242Mother talks about her leg18.Feb19613240
Mother talks about her Mother's education29.May19623412Mother tries to avoid talking12.Jul19694388
Mother: "On Himself" 07.Jul19613294Mother: Experience of January03.May19694365
Mother: I don't know what's going on?17.May19694371Mother: inner Inquiry of the Girl's Death03.May19694366
Mother's birthday message22.Feb19643674Mother's Body23.Mar19633535
Mother's Body has become very sensitive24.Dec19694446Mother's body is a battlefield07.Mar19613250
Mother's body wonders: Shall we go on...?31.May19694383Mother's cat stories 12.Apr19613266
Mother's comment on Q&A 1953 - Limitation20.Sep19694414Mother's description of the almighty spring11.Nov19583126
Mother's discoveries 08.Aug19623446Mother's discoveries 03.Aug19663989
Mother's Dream or Vision05.Feb19694331Mother's early Vision of Sri Aurobindo20.Dec19613347
Mother's encounter with the false Sri Aurobindo15.May19623402Mother's experience 12.Jul19603171
Mother's experience 28.Jul19643702Mother's experience 20.Dec19603207
Mother's experience 17.Mar19613258Mother's experience 08.Jun19633562
Mother's experience18.Sep19633612Mother's experience & Sri Aurobindo's departure09.Jan19623350
Mother's experience during reading30.Oct19613332Mother's experience of THAT15.Nov19603203
Mother's experience, how to remember dreams02.Jun19623416Mother's heart troubles 05.May19653806
Mother's House in Paris; Rue du Val de Grâce22.Oct19603193Mother's is nearly erased05.Nov19603199
Mother's Mantra11.May19633548Mother's Mantras 16.Sep19583106
Mother's message 31.Jan19643670Mother's message for January16.Dec19613343
Mother's night vision 23.Jul19603175Mother's notice25.Jul19593150
Mother's prophecy of England and Italy17.Dec19664036Mother's returning Pain from 191512.Nov19694427
Mother's Revelation17.Dec19694442Mother's strangling with Richard16.Oct19633621
Mother's Vision19.Nov19694430Mother's Vision from 190628.Jul19613306
Mother's vision of a bomb on Pondy20.Nov19623492Mother's work gets permanently disturbed05.Nov19694424
Mother's work: helping people to leave their bodies24.Jun19613286Mother’s Answer to a troubled Girl11.Feb19704463
Mother’s Body 05.Apr19724814Mother’s Body04.Jul19704538
Mother’s Body12.Sep19704552Mother’s body02.Mar19674064
Mother’s Body24.Feb19714595Mother’s Body Conditions10.Feb19714592
Mother’s Body Progress17.Mar19714610Mother’s Difficulties27.Feb19714596
Mother’s Dream of a Child on the Roof16.Sep19704554Mother’s experience 09.Mar19684230
Mother’s experience 23.Nov19684308Mother’s Experience28.Mar19704492
Mother’s Experience25.Jul19704546Mother’s experiences with the old Gods02.Aug19613310
Mother’s Final Instructions 03.Apr19724808Mother’s healing right hand; Message13.Apr19663945
Mother’s instructions for a prolonged trance 14.Jan19674042Mother’s last Incarnation03.Mar19714604
Mother’s last Words19.May19734999Mother’s Leg16.Jan19714586
Mother’s letter to a disciple31.Jul19643704Mother’s Mantra19.Feb19653776
Mother’s Mantras 09.Jun19653820Mother’s Message 04.Dec19714724
Mother’s message 14.Dec19684315Mother’s message about her life in India27.Jan19684210
Mother’s message for January10.Nov19674186Mother’s Nervous System14.Apr19734994
Mother’s new experience28.Aug19684282Mother’s New Year Message01.Jan19714580
Mother’s Ordeal03.Dec19704576Mother’s reply on letters22.Jul19674132
Mother’s stories of past lives30.Jun19623430Mother’s Symbol 12.Jan19724758
Mother’s Vision with the Age of 1203.Jun19704522Mother’s Work15.Nov19724926
Muslims and Israel 20.Jun19674116My Inner Being „That is me!“ 26.Apr19724832
Nature‘s Transformation01.Dec19714722New Consciousness cured...02.Apr19694348
New Consciousness gives Lessons to the Body15.Jan1969 4323New Consciousness works on people's vital beings07.May19694367
New Consciousness; Bad Habits; The Body knows09.Apr1969 4349New Consciousness: Death, Food, Money03.May19694362
New Consciousness: Human beings are weak for this 03.May19694363New Consciousness: Miracles; Solidity12.Mar19694342
New experience of the body cells; Dolphins02.Jun19663967New Vital and Mental Activity 30.Sep19724904
New Year MessageNoDate19643650New Year Message01.Jan19734950
New Year Message01.Jan19704449New Year Message01.Jan19684205
New Year Message01.Jan19724750New Year Message01.Jan19573035
New Year's Message01.Jan19583050Night after Night 31.Dec19603209
No dogmas and no founding a religion! 06.Mar19653786No need for Material Energy 26.Jul19724882
No Point in Complaining 10.Jun19724858No Pretension07.May19663954
No principles 14.Jun19653828No Religion19.Mar19734979
No Separation between the two Worlds06.Aug19694396Nobel Peace PrizeNoDate19513001
Not my body, THE BODY 06.Apr19633542Not repeating past mistakes02.Jun19613282
Nothing but pawns 03.Apr19684238Nothing in the World is useless 31.Jan19663927
Notions of Individuality17.May19694370Obeying only THAT 05.Aug19724888
Occultism 16.Oct19714702Old habits coming always back10.Oct19653886
On Aphorisms: 03629.Jul19674138On Aphorisms: 049 - Divine Love10. Jan19613210
On Aphorisms: 050 - Sins and Sinners12.Jan19613212On Aphorisms: 051 05.Sep19684294
On Aphorisms: 051 - Our Self-deception17.Jan19613214On Aphorisms: 053 - The Nectar of Immortality29.Jan19613222
On Aphorisms: 05511.Feb19613234On Aphorisms: 056 & 05811.Mar19613252
On Aphorisms: 057 17.Mar19613256On Aphorisms: 059 – About Religion29.Apr19613272
On Aphorisms: 060 12.May19613274On Aphorisms: 062 27.Jun19613288
On Aphorisms: 063-65 & 06807.Jul19613296On Aphorisms: 066 & the New World18.Jul19613302
On Aphorisms: 067-69 (virtue & sins)09.Jan19623352On Aphorisms: 070 21.Jan19623360
On Aphorisms: 071 (The whole Truth)03.Feb19623370On Aphorisms: 072 & dreams, visions27.Feb19623386
On Aphorisms: 073-077 (076)24.May19623408On Aphorisms: 07628.Aug19633606
On Aphorisms: 07603.Mar19623388On Aphorisms: 07611.Dec19714730
On Aphorisms: 07806.Oct19623468On Aphorisms: 079-80; In the subtle World12.Oct19623472
On Aphorisms: 081-83 14.Jan19633514On Aphorisms: 084-8706.Mar19633528
On Aphorisms: 088-9215.May19633550On Aphorisms: 088-92 & Savitri B10C0227.Jan19623364
On Aphorisms: 09310.Aug19633596On Aphorisms: 09318.May19633554
On Aphorisms: 09417.Aug19633600On Aphorisms: 094 continues21.Aug19633602
On Aphorisms: 09504.Nov19633629On Aphorisms: 096-98 05.Feb19643672
On Aphorisms: 101-102 25.Mar19643688On Aphorisms: 10226.Mar19663942
On Aphorisms: 103-10716.Sep19643728On Aphorisms: 106; Learn how to wait 29.Aug19643724
On Aphorisms: 108; About bringing down fever!12.Jan19653774On Aphorisms: 109 03.Mar19653784
On Aphorisms: 110 29.May19653814On Aphorisms: 111 22.Sep19653878
On Aphorisms: 111 25.Sep19653880On Aphorisms: 113: Hatred25.Dec19653916
On Aphorisms: 115-117 04.Mar19663935On Aphorisms: 118-121 06.Jul19663981
On Aphorisms: 118-121 09.Jul19663983On Aphorisms: 122-12514.Sep19664007
On Aphorisms: 126; Problems of transformation04.Mar19674066On Aphorisms: 13504.Mar19704470
On Aphorisms: 141 (The Lord’s lamb)31.Aug19633608On Aphorisms: 220-22313.Dec19694437
On Aphorisms: 271-272 (True Warrior)07.Jan19704454On Aphorisms: 319-320 (Communism)07.Feb19704462
On Aphorisms: 382-388 (Disease & Faith)14.May19704517On Aphorisms: 393-402 (Medical Science)18.Mar19704479
On Aphorisms: 408-412 (Love to the Divine)21.Mar19704480On Aphorisms: 414-417 (God of Religions)25.Mar19704484
On Aphorisms: 418 (Wrestler's relationship)07.Oct19643739On Aphorisms: 428 (Krishna & Kali)01.Apr19704494
On Aphorisms: 483 (482 - Rope of Virtue)22.Apr19704506On Aphorisms: 51720.May19704518
On Aphorisms: 528 (527)30.May19704520On Essays on the Gita 25.Aug19653870
On Gentleman "Death", food & keeping quiet26.Nov19664033On Hostile Forces 30.May19583074
On LSD and cellular transformation15.Apr19674084On past LivesNoDate19573047
On suffering 25.Feb19583064One Consciousness, One Will21.Sep19684292
One must emerge from human consciousness08.Jun19684262One Remedy against Falsehood11.Aug19714666
Only one solution...28.May19694379Only the Divine Consciousness14.Aug19714668
Only the Divine knows15.Dec19714734Only the Divine Love can change things!12.Nov19603201
Only the Divine sees the Truth04.Apr19724810Only the relations have to change, nothing else!09.Jun19623420
Only the Union with the Divine03.Jan19714582Onslaught against the Mother after S.A. departed12.Dec19623502
Onslaught of Falsehood16.Jun19714646Our destiniesNoDate19573036
Our Notions of Good and Evil17.Febr19734968Our Old Believes24.Jun19724866
Our place in the universal manifestation10.Oct19583114Our Unconsciousness 11.Oct19724908
Our unconsciousness in the matter 18.Dec19653914Our Values are worthless24.Jan19734960
Outbreak of Chickenpox and Mumps30.Mar19734988Overmind and Supermind26.Sep19623464
Overmind, the Realm of the Gods 15.Apr19724820Overwhelming Power 18.Sep19714688
P. Richard’s death 15.Jul19674126Pakistan and America 18.Dec19714736
Particular states of consciousness; I was Buddha29.Oct19664024Past and Future Lives07.Nov19704568
Past lives in a tortured body 06.Sep19674156Pay Attention to the Divine 25.Dec19714742
Peace; The "Immobility" of the Inconscient22.Feb19694337People don't understand!26.Feb19643676
People’s Behaviour17.Jul19714652People’s Falsehood 08.Jan19724756
Perception of the Disorder in the Body01.Mar19694341Perfect Surrender & Mantra19.May19593147
Perfection and Security27.Mar19633538Perfectly peaceful, calm and translucent15.Mar19674070
Perpetual Discomfort 06.Sep19724898Personal and impersonal 20.Jul19684274
Physical and Moral Violence18.Feb19734970Physical Disorder 16.Oct19714700
Physical education 27.Mar19684236Physical life is not important but loss of consciousness 10.Dec19653912
Physical Mind 22.Dec19714740Physical Mind is gone!02.Feb19724772
Physical miseries and Faith23.Mar19633536Physical Vision11.Jan19714584
Physical World is changing 27.May19724850Pictures of Sri Aurobindo16.Oct19653892
Plan of Auroville 23.Jun19653836Plane of intellectual organization; Lord of Falsehood19.Mar19663939
Plasticity of the New Body04.Apr19704496Pondicherry hit by a cyclone26.Oct19633627
Possessed by a Supramental Entity12.Sep19563030Practicing Pranayama24.Feb19623384
Prayer 29.Jul19563026Prayer10.Aug19563028
Prayer of the Body 30.Dec19724948Prayer of the cells in the body22.Nov19674192
Preparing for the Psychic Being08.Feb19734966Presence of Ananda 28.Mar19704488
Problems in the cells 08.Aug19583102Prolongation of Life05.Sep19704548
Prolongation of life at will 21.Apr19653800Propaganda and Publicity30.Jan19714591
Psychic Being 15.Sep19714686Pujas and Karma27.Nov19583134
Pure Love25.Sep19633614Questions regarding the subtle physical18.Jan19633516
Quotations & Symbols12.Nov19694426Quotations of Sri Aurobindo28.Mar19704490
Quote of Sri Aurobindo 04.Jun19593149Rapture through awareness of the Divine24.Aug19633604
Ray of Consciousness 14.Mar19523003Receiving vibrations 04.Aug19623444
Receptivity and the feeling of giving14.Dec19633644Relax, relax...22.May19623406
Religion and Yoga26.Apr19694356Religion: Christianity shouldn't be unified02.Aug19694395
Remaining conscious when going to bed!25.Jun19663977Replacement for the Mantra18.Aug19714670
Representation of Countries15.May19714634Resistance like Iron23.Aug19694402
Resistance to the Truth31.Jan19704460Restless Kali28.Jan19643666
Richard: The Lord of Falsehood05.Nov19613336Right Living; One can change the World16.Aug19694400
Rising of the Kundalini11.Jul19704540Rules for Auroville? 06.Apr19684240
Sadhana only without Ego11.Jan19674040Satprem's dream; Mother's Work on her Body11.Feb19613236
Satprem's importance to the Mother24.May19694378Satprem’s Books 07.Oct19704558
Savitri B01C04; Khrushchev, Chinese, Hitler14.Nov19643759Savitri B02C01: True Mantra10.Jul19633578
Savitri B02C0228.Nov19704574Savitri B02C0627.Nov19633637
Savitri B02C07 - The Yoga of Self-Perfection31.Dec19633649Savitri B02C07: The sardonic laugh of the Lord08.Jan19643654
Savitri B07C0429.Mar19643692Savitri B07C05-07: Experience of being the All08.May19653808
Savitri B07C06: Annul thyself that only God may be!13.Oct19653888Savitri B10C0224.Jan19623362
Savitri B10C03 12.Jun19653822Savitri B10C0314.Jun19653826
Savitri B10C03 - I don't believe in illnesses07.Jul19653844Savitri B10C03 – No more Death!08.Sep19653876
Savitri B10C03: Debate with Death; Earth significance28.Sep19633616Savitri B10C04 30.Nov19653907
Savitri B10C0419.Aug19663997Savitri B10C04 - Hitler’s disastrous influence30.Apr19663953
Savitri B10C04; The childishness in which we live26.Jan19663925Savitri B10C04; You choose to be that way!22.Jan19663923
Savitri B10C04: Debate of Love and Death27.Apr19663951Savitri B10C04: Debate of Love and Death14.May19663957
Savitri B10C04: Love and Death06.Jun19704526Savitri B10C04: New dialogue betw. Savitri & Death19.Feb19663931
Savitri B10C04: Separation of the 4 Emanations26.Feb19663933Savitri B10C04: The Debate with Death23.Nov19664032
Savitri B10C04: The plane of all human formations11.Feb19663929Savitri B11C01: When the hour of the Divine draws near26.Mar19663941
Savitri; Mother’s nightly work28.Dec19653917Sec. of Supramental Consciousness08.Nov19724922
Seeing the Receptivity 03.Mar19714600Seeing ugly faces!06.Jul19633576
Self-awareness30.Oct19684303Sense of Beauty is needed for this Yoga06.Jul19583090
Senses: eyes, ears, smell, taste02.Jun19653816Sex-vibrations 18.Jun19684266
Short Marvelous Moments14.May19734997Sleeping well! 15.Nov19653900
Snakes & other stories about Tlemcen04.Feb19613230Solar Eruptions 09.Aug19724892
Speaking about death 07.Sep19684288Speaking about TransformationAug19543010
Special born twists 20.Nov19633633Spelling Aurovillian25.Jul19704544
Spending a whole Night with Sri Aurobindo30.Aug19694406Spending the nights in someone else23.Apr19653802
Spreading Madness31.Jul19714660Sri Aurobindo 05.Aug19674143
Sri Aurobindo about the Soul14.Feb19613238Sri Aurobindo about the Supramental24.Apr19663949
Sri Aurobindo and the clocks31.Jul19643706Sri Aurobindo and the subtle World06.Oct19593152
Sri Aurobindo explains the Path06.Sep19694409Sri Aurobindo had been French and Savitri04.Jul19613292
Sri Aurobindo in multiplied action21.May19694372Sri Aurobindo in the subtle Physical 26.Jul19694393
Sri Aurobindo in the subtle physical18.Jun19653830Sri Aurobindo is only the future...05.Apr19674080
Sri Aurobindo is playing27.Oct19653894Sri Aurobindo on Supramental Life15.Aug19643718
Sri Aurobindo speaks of this Secret almost everywhere06.May19603159Sri Aurobindo wanted to go! 19.Oct19603191
Sri Aurobindo, a marvel of patience20.May19674100Sri Aurobindo: Fulfilling the Divine Will 08.Jan19663920
Sri Aurobindo: When He left...17.May19694369Sri Aurobindo's Aphorisms; A vision in the Body20.Dec19694443
Sri Aurobindo's letter on the Descent of Love03.Oct19633618Sri Aurobindo‘s Centenary05.Jan19724754
Sri Aurobindo‘s Message27.Nov19714720Sri Aurobindo’s light19.Jan19663921
Sri Aurobindo’s message 24.Apr19684248Sri Aurobindo’s message17.Aug19663995
State of prolonged trance18.Jan19674044State of Receptive Surrender16.Oct19714698
Stay Calm11.Apr19714616Still Old Habits26.Apr19724830
Stories when Mother was a young girl05.Aug19613314Story about a possessed woman27.Aug19694404
Story about an abducted boy; Master of Everything25.Oct19603195Story of Jesus by Théon 18.Mar19643686
Story of Queen Elizabeth12.Sep19643726Straightening Her Back 20.Mar19563018
Strong Pressure of the Consciousness08.Nov19694425Stubbornness leads to Victory 28.Jan19603155
Studying of all religions06.Nov19684305Subconscious and illness15.Jun19684264
Subtle Body is taller09.Apr19694350Subtle Physical; Sleep and Death05.Aug19613312
Superman Consciousness15.Feb19694334Supramental - from Truth to Truth28.Feb19734972
Supramental Clarity02.Apr19724806Supramental Consciousness19.Nov19694431
Supreme Consciousness: No Shadow in the Light16.Apr19694352Symbol of India; Bath in Divine Consciousness03.Feb19684214
Symbols 14.Jun19653824Symbols of the Yoga 30.Oct19674182
Taking medicine27.Jul19684276Talking about miracles 09.Mar19633530
Talking about Sri Aurobindo's powers13.Dec19694438Talking with Satprem about Caviar24.Mar19734982
Tamasic stupidity; plenty of tamas19.Oct19633625The Ananda of the power of progress07.Mar19643680
The Asuras and the Titan26.Mar19593141The Beings of the Vital World11.Mar19623392
The Black Being08.Oct19694417The body consciousness31.Jan19684212
The Body is frightened25.Apr19734995The Body is learning; Not blaming others10.Dec19694436
The Body knows Nothing20.Dec19694444The Body last much longer12.Jan19633512
The body learns to live30.Nov19684310The body left the consciousness18.May19623404
The body repeats the mantra12.Jul19694389The body’s experience21.Dec19684317
The body’s knowledge29.Nov19674194The Body’s Mantra09.Sep19704550
The body’s tapasya 04.Dec19684312The Car of the World28.Jan19704457
The central experience of the transformation27.Nov19684309The central will and the cells10.Jul19684272
The Certitude of Ananda21.Dec19633647The collaboration of the vital02.Dec19643766
The comet 30.Oct19653896The Command and Will of the Lord 26.Apr19724834
The Consciousness must have sunk06.Dec19724936The consciousness of a dead person on Earth09.Mar19663937
The Consciousness of Harmony05.Jul19674120The Consciousness started observing04.Jun19694384
The Consciousness under attack27.Jul19663985The consciousness within06.Jun19623418
The control center of the Lord of Falsehood17.Nov19623490The Creation as a whole19.Feb19633518
The Danger from China12.May19714632The danger of leaving the body20.Apr19633544
The death of death16.Mar19633532The Descent of the Superman Consciousness08.Jan19694321
The difficulty of Mother's Work07.Aug19583100The disbelief of the Mind13.Dec19603204
The Divine and Mr. Ego09.Jun19714644The Divine Consciousness20.Sep19674162
The Divine deep within you11.Dec19684313The Divine inside and outside01.May19714624
The Divine is global vision07.Oct19563031The Divine Love 22.Jul19643700
The Divine Person beyond the impersonal04.Oct19583108The Divine Realization; Doctor's diagnosis19.May19653812
The Divine takes Care of my Body07.Oct19724906The dryness of languages10.Sep19613322
The Earth’s Subconscient 25.Oct19724914The Ego has to disappear!13.Dec19694441
The Experience of physical eternity16.May19603162The Experience of the Supreme04.Dec19623500
The Experience with Sri Aurobindo09.Aug19694398The feeling of a living death14.Oct19643744
The first Asura 02.Aug19674140The first Experience of 191006.Jun19583076
The Flame of Aspiration03.Mar19714602The Force at work06.May19674094
The Force of Transformation20.Jun19704532The Force passing into Mother’s Body20.Dec19724942
The Foundation is Humility16.May19603160The Freedom of the Body17.Oct19573039
The fusion of division for the true consciousness16.Mar19684234The God within30.Oct19623482
The Gods of the Pantheon; Four Aspects of the Mother04.Jan19643652The Golden Force 04.May19724837
The Golden Force 06.May19724838The Great Secret... 25.Feb19613248
The guilty must be punished... 19.Nov19664030The harm of mental force 03.Aug19633592
The heat here never bothered Mother15.Jun19633564The Hemisphere of Art and Music27.Oct19623476
The higher it goes the lower...14.Nov19623488The history of the Earth (Q&A 08.01.1951)13.Nov19633631
The Horror of Death10.Jan19734954The Horror of the subconscious World03.Nov19623484
The Hymn of Truth 07.Dec19643769The inner vibration of falsehood16.Oct19653890
The joy of being 13.Mar19684232The Joy of the Creation20.Dec19613345
The knowledge of vibrations; being a monster28.Mar19643690The limitation of human communication18.Jun19663975
The Limitation of Languages27.Jan19613220The Lord Presence07.Jun19724856
The Lord's Love 10.Apr19653796The Lord's Omnipotence11.Aug19643712
The Lord's Secret12.May19613276The Love of the Divine in the Cells01.Oct19694416
The Manifestation of the Supramental24.Apr19563023The Master of the Yoga 01.May19583068
The material Mental 30.Mar19663943The Matrimandir (Auroville)03.Jan19704450
The Meaning of Superman07.Jan19704453The memory of sounds and eyes10.May19674096
The Mental domain or subconcient19.Jun19633566The Mighty Spring at the bottom of Inconscience08.Nov19583124
The mind as instrument30.Aug19684284The Mother & the problem of Inconsciousness25.Aug19543011
The Mother's SutraNoDate19573046The need of a new language; mediocrity & suppleness18.Feb19674060
The Need of Oneness17.Mar19714612The nerves remember 20.Feb19684224
The New Being24.Jun19674118The New Consciousness31.Mar19734989
The New Perception and Being03.Jan19704451The New World 20.Mar19653790
The old habits of the Body09.Jan19633510The outwardly results of suffering28.Sep19664013
The participation of all the body’s cells11.Aug19613316The phases of a cold08.Feb19674054
The Physical Experience of the Supreme's Presence04.Nov19643753The pink clay boat29.Jun19633572
The Power of OM24.Dec19694445The Power of Savitri23.Sep19613326
The power of the Supramental World15.Feb19583062The power to heal 12.Jul19674122
The Process of Consciousness 19.Apr19724826The Proportion of the Mind18.Oct19694418
The psychic memory 15.Jul19674128The region of harmonious forms; LSD18.May19663959
The region of white light12.Oct19664019The rotten OLD World 14.Jul19623436
The rungs of Love16.Apr19663947The Saint in a cave 14.Aug19623448
The Secret of Transformation? 13.Feb19623378The Sense of Science; Mother's protection17.Dec19664035
The sound "OM"; Your Mantra 23.Sep19643732The spirit of the form27.Feb19653782
The Standard of Time changes02.Dec19724934The state of consciousness of Oneness26.Oct19684302
The Subconscient is a Mire! 19.Jul19724878The subtle physical World 04.Sep19684286
The subtle World 06.Dec19674196The subtle World is more real!NoDate19583060
The Supramental Child 15.Apr19724824The Supreme and the Universal Mother06.Feb19623374
The Supreme Love is manifesting13.Apr19623398The Supreme plays with Himself25.May19663963
The Supreme's action 31.Aug19664001The Tail of the Devil22.May19714638
The tall white Being; Mother's experience27.Jun19623428The tall, white, vital being23.Jun19623426
The taste for drama 14.Jun19674112The three images of total self-giving to the Divine:19.Oct19553013
The True Mechanism06.Jun19613284The true purpose of money; Government 10.Apr19684242
The True Thing17.Jan19704455The true vibration 12.Nov19643757
The true vibration 29.Apr19674090The truth about supporting Muslims 30.May19674106
The Truth and descending Power15.Nov19664029The Truth is on the march24.Jul19653854
The Truth-Power needs more response17.Jul19653850The Twelve Attributes 19.Jan19724762
The two kinds of opposites in Nature & Life30.Sep19613328The Two Opposites must be united21.Jan19704456
The universal box 28.Dec19684318The veins of Gold 14.Jul19653848
The Vibration of Harmony27.Apr19674088The vibrations of the world; Mother’s toothache24.Mar19653792
The Vital and Mind had gone away29.Nov19694433The Weariness of the Cells19.Feb19694335
The West versus India28.Jun19694387The whole Story of Creation28.Jul19613304
The whole story of transformation28.Dec19623508The Why of Creation 30.Oct19714710
The wonder of existence25.Mar19674074The World has to change10.Jul19714650
The World in its Self-conceit17.Jul19714654The World is not ready yet!25.Sep19653882
The World is NOT ready! 04.Jul19623432The world of bad habits26.Jul19674134
The World of Delight 02.Oct19603184The World of Space and Time25.Apr19613270
The World’s Resistances07.Apr19734990The Yoga of Self-Perfection; First Realization11.Oct19603188
Their attitude towards THAT15.Oct19603190Théon and the Mother15.Apr19724822
Théon's religious theory15.Dec19623504There is no death 21.Oct19674178
Things are moving fast!15.Nov19694428This Body’s Life29.Apr19704510
This Consciousness acts in silence12.Apr19694351This Consciousness constantly works on the Body27.Dec19694447
This Consciousness helped a lot...24.May19694377This Consciousness is truly extraordinary...30.Apr19694358
This Consciousness: Fantastic Imagination15.Mar19694343This wonderful Grace of the Supreme15.Jul19643696
Time sense is topsy-turvy23.Dec19724944Times of extremes and conflicts19.Oct19674176
Tlemcen: The Chinese revolution15.Jan19623358To be limpid!22.May19714636
To Conquer Death through Death29.Jul19724884To cure without Repression13.Dec19694439
To lead a spiritual Life07.Feb19613232To live from minute to minute05.Oct19664017
To prolong life at will!31.Dec19664039Tolerance: First Step towards Wisdom09.Aug19694397
Total experience of identification06.Mar19623390Total Indifference26.Apr19724828
Transformation of the material mind07.Aug19653864Transition isn‘t pleasant 17.May19724842
Transparency of the psychic being11.Sep19684290Tremendous Power 28.Aug19714676
True Aurovilian03.Jun19704521True Aurovilian06.Jun19704524
True Aurovilian10.Jun19704528True Aurovilians02.May19704512
True Divine Action 23.Oct19714706True Purity is non-ego 21.May19603164
True purpose of Life 22.Jan19643662True Sincerity09.Feb19724780
True Work20.Aug19694401Trust the Divine; He looks after you 18.Jun19724862
Truth24.Dec19664037Truth, Faith, Trust 22.May19684254
Turning against the Divine10.Nov19714712Turning point of this body's development30.Apr19694359
Two Formations02.Aug19724886Two letter from Sri Aurobindo27.Jul19633588
Under the Divine‘s Influence08.Jul19724872Understanding Christian symbolismFeb19583066
Unity10.Mar19724796Unreality of Death21.May19694375
Uprising contraries09.Sep19674158Ups and downs of life and body19.Dec19623506
Vast majority of men are like prisoners!26.Nov19583132Veda and Supramental Vision05.Nov19613338
Victory 29.Sep19714692Victory of Truth 18.Oct19724910
Vision and Reaction23.May19704519Vision of a cube 27.Nov19623494
Vision of old Egyptian Occultism30.Oct19603197Vision of Supramental Being01.Jul19704536
Vision: Story of Bluebeard08.Feb19694332Vital Beings attack 18.Feb19704464
Vital Force22.May19663961Vital Forces causing attacks22.Jan19613216
Wave Movement27.May19623411We know Nothing 26.Aug19643722
We know NOTHING: Hidden Wonders03.May19694364We know nothing! 17.Oct19643746
We must be patient 23.Nov19653903We must face integral life29.May19684258
Wealth and Money 07.Sep19664005What Auroville represents03.Aug19684278
What is consciousness? 29.Jun19663979What is God?; All countries live in falsehood07.Jun19674110
What is the Divine? 24.May19674102What is the Divine? 13.Oct19714696
What makes us old!08.Nov19674184What will be the new form of creation?17.Apr19653798
What will happen in case of a new WW?17.Jun19674114What will the new body look like?30.Sep19664015
When the body becomes passive and quiet!07.Apr19613264When the body feels itself25.Oct19694421
White Peacock 22.Sep19714690Why one dies 30.Jul19663987
Why Sri Aurobindo left?Feb19513000Widen Yourself21.Apr19593143
Without speaking19.Oct19684300Without the Divine No Existence 25.Nov19724930
Without thoughts15.Jun19663973Work of Change of Consciousness26.Feb19694339
Working out your own system05.Aug19643708World Union and Auroville25.Oct19674180
World Union and the real truth26.Aug19674152Worship, Laziness and Harm07.Jan19704452
Worshipping the Mother 31.Jul19653858Written Note Jun19583080
Written Note22.Jun19583082Wrong laws and quotations 14.Oct19643742
Yoga of sexuality 28.Jan19674050