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APHStored QUERY of DatabaseAPHStored QUERY of Database
001Knowledge and Wisdom002Inspiration, Reason & Senses
003Reason trembles004Knowledge and Work
005Obstacles: Fear, Doubt & Scepticism006Role of Reason - True Wisdom
007What men call knowledge!008Mechanism of Intolerance
009Experiencing the Soul010Only the Soul can know the Soul
011Immortality and Mental Personality012The Mind can prove anything
013Hallucinations014Hallucination: Term of Science
015Hallucination and Vision016Planes of the Mind
017Identification with Divine018Idea of illusion is itself an illusion
019Relativity of Beauty and Ugliness020Beauty of the Hideous
021Forgiveness and the Divine022-23God gave me a good blow
024Origin of Misfortune025Wisdom and Suffering
026By the Grace of the Lord027God as Torturer (Play with Krishna)
028War and Evolution029Divine and Personal Will
030Purity of Instinct and the Mental Ego031Progress and Despair
032The Atheist is God033Divine Perfection & receiving Blows
034The Blessing of Misfortune035-36Christ & Krishna - Suffering & Hatred
037Existence of Brindavan and Krishna038Evolution & Christ's Death as Avatar
039History and Legend040Four Great Events in History
041Role of the Gospels042Existence of Heaven and Hell
043Contradiction intensifies Aspiration044Creation of Falsehood on Mental Plane
045Role of Logic and Reason046Sri Aurobindo’s Experience in Prison
047Conquest & Transformation of the Mind048The Beauty of the Hideous
049Love and Transformation050Not a single Sin that is not our Sin
051Nature of Self-deception052Philanthropy and Service of Divine
053-54Religions and Immortality055Kali and Supreme Realisation
056Knowledge and Debate057Mind and Individualisation
058Memory of Earthly Paradise (Jehova)059Giving a Beating to God
060Memory of Past Lives061Experience of the Infinite
062Folly: Distorted Mask of Truth063-65The Weakness of God
066Cruelty as an Expression of the Divine067-68Sin and the Ego
069Capacity to express Supramental World070Role of Adverse Forces in Creation
071Thought and Truth072Premonitory Dreams - Visions
073Wisdom and Knowledge074-75Door to the total Knowledge
076Destruction of Europe (True Prediction)077-78Knowledge and Transformation
079-80There is No Error!081-83God’s laughter
084-87What Men call Miracles088-92Miracles and Aspiration
093Pain is the Touch of Our Mother (Fear)094Renunciation
095Perfect Renunciation vs. Desire096Scriptures: Diminution of Experience
097Truth and individual Experience098Revelation is the Memory of Truth
099Understanding and Scriptures100Understanding and Scriptures
101-02Sun- & Earth-consciousness103-07Vivekananda and Sannyasa
108Narada (Gods have no psychic being)109Sri Aurobindo is a part of the Lord
110Wonders of physical Science & the Soul111-12Power of Silence
113-14Vibration of Hate & Love are the Same115-16No Beginning and no End
117Play of Hide-and-Seek118-21Nature of Will from above
122-24Action and Opinion125-26Overcoming Laws of Nature
127Psychic Being and Laws of Nature128-29The Nature which exceeds the Body
130The Role of Human Aspiration & Effort131-32All Human Moral Notions disappear
133Titans are stronger than the Gods134-36Suffering and Delight
137Pleasure & Pain depend on inner Attitude138Relationships and Psychic Contacts
139Who is the Superman?140Human Ego and Superman
141The Qualities of the Superman142Qualities needed for Growth of Being
143-44Art reveals what Nature hides145The secret Soul of Nature
146-50Shakespeare & Supreme Knowledge151Scientists‘ Knowledge & Proof
152-53Supramental Consciousness etc.154-56Mind and Creation
157-58Last Avatar159Worshipping vs. True Path
160-61Knowledge & Delight162Evolution & Superman
163-64Law & Freedom165Self-imposed Discipline is Freedom
166Law of Sin & Virtue167Ignorance & Divine Goal
168-69Sword of God170-71Failure of Christ & Mahomed
172Slavery of Desire, Ignorance & Egoism173-74Human Way of Understanding
175There is no Good, Bad or Luck176-77Perfect Cosmic Vision
178Ego is the Prison179To live for God
180Experiencing Eternity181-82Speak and talk less
183-84Perfection and Harmony185-86Consciousness beyond Good & Bad
187-88Vice and Virtue189-91Charity and Poverty
192Old Indian Society193-96Poverty and Society
197-98Condition of Happiness199-200Religion, Philosophy & Human Ego
201-02Christianity vs. Vedanta203-04Full Power for Man's Progress
205First Step of Superman206Only Escape from past Errors
207Escape from Evil & Suffering208-09Beatitude & Self-giving
210-11Anger and Vengeance212Only Tragedy: Not finding one's Soul
213Tragedies & Evolution214-15Nature of Genius
216Inspiration & Madness217Mastering Violence
218-21Unity of Mankind222-24Converted Asuras
225-27Altruism228-30God’s Command to slay
231-34True Virtues235-37True Instruments of the Soul
238-40Great and Noble Failures241-42Atheism and Religion
243-47God and Temptation248-50Divine Will
251Only Choice252-54Defeat and Failure is not the End
255-57Blind Faith258-61Reason and Faith
262-64Divine Command265-69Beware of Imposter Voice
270-71Persistence272-73True Warrior for the Truth
274-76Power of Spirit277-78Soul and Action
279Consecration to the Divine280-81Divine Presence within us
282Divine Purity 283-85Sorrow and Evolution
286-88Uniting with the Supreme Lord289-90Divine Love in All
291-92Human Judgments293-94Self-deceit
295-96Being of Light will emerge297-98Beauty and Ugliness
299-302Opinions, Disputes & Truth303-05Women and Spirituality
306Asceticism307God laughed at Shankara
308-10Sufferings & Difficulties311-12Right Attitude
313-14True Wisdom315-16Personal Incapacity
317-18Reversal of Human Consciousness319Will of Brahman
320-21Anarchic: True Divine State322-24Vedanta and Communism
325-26Liberty, Equality, Fraternity327-28Government of the Supreme Lord
329-31Sincerity of the Consecration332-34National & Human Unity
335-36Human Unity337-38Imitators & Copyists
339Beyond Good & Evil340Never despair!
341-43All Governments are Falsehood344-45Perfection of the Soul
346-48True Saintliness349-51Knowing God's Will
352-56Truth is above All357True Government is Divine
358-61Change of Consciousness362India and religious Conventions
363-69Sincerity to hear the Lord370-73Divine Grace
374-76Death and Ego377-78Liberation from the Ego
379-81Peace, Poise and Harmony382Natural Health & Divine Grace
383-85The Barbarism of Europe386-89Disease and Mind
390-93Faith in Medicine?394-99Humanity: Slaves of Doctors
400-03Mental Faith in Drugs404-07Medicine and Body
408-12Tool of God413Adultery with God
414-20God of Religions; God's Enemy421-24Four Stages of Pain
425-27Love for the Divine428Love for Krishna & Kali
429-30Love for Nature431-34God and the World
435-38Love for Krishna439-44God as Lover
445-49Secret of Existence450-55Curing Jealousy
456-61God and Satan462-63Pride leads to Sins
464-65Divine Joy466-68Mind and God
469-71Understand Divine Grace472All Mental Constructions
473Sincere Aspirations474-75God and Hell
476Seven Beatitudes477-79The Semitic God
480-81Ordinary Human Consciousness482-83Krishna: Robe of Virtue
484Above Virtue and Sin485-89True Unity
490-92Keeping Divine Contact493-94Ways of seeing God
495-96Suffering and Pain497-99God: Our perfect Friend
500-03Role of Suffering and Pain504Divine Love needed
505God-Lover and God-Knower506Laughing at this World
507Human Science and Occultism508Liberation of Body Consciousness
509-12To be God’s Slave513-14Service to the Divine
515-16Liberation from all Preconceptions517-18Weaknesses and Divine
519Love or fight God520Understanding the Universe
521Perceiving the Divine522-23Suffering and Bliss
524Soul, Mind and Pain525-26Compassion & Divine Consciousness
527-28Love and Pity529-30Compassion and Love
531-33Constancy in Effort and Faith534Love: Human and Divine
535Divine Mind536-37One Drop of True Knowledge
538Essence and Potency of Maya539-40God in Huxley and Haeckel
541All is Divine