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APH | Stored QUERY of Database | APH | Stored QUERY of Database |
001 | Knowledge and Wisdom | 002 | Inspiration, Reason & Senses |
003 | Reason trembles | 004 | Knowledge and Work |
005 | Obstacles: Fear, Doubt & Scepticism | 006 | Role of Reason - True Wisdom |
007 | What men call knowledge! | 008 | Mechanism of Intolerance |
009 | Experiencing the Soul | 010 | Only the Soul can know the Soul |
011 | Immortality and Mental Personality | 012 | The Mind can prove anything |
013 | Hallucinations | 014 | Hallucination: Term of Science |
015 | Hallucination and Vision | 016 | Planes of the Mind |
017 | Identification with Divine | 018 | Idea of illusion is itself an illusion |
019 | Relativity of Beauty and Ugliness | 020 | Beauty of the Hideous |
021 | Forgiveness and the Divine | 022-23 | God gave me a good blow |
024 | Origin of Misfortune | 025 | Wisdom and Suffering |
026 | By the Grace of the Lord | 027 | God as Torturer (Play with Krishna) |
028 | War and Evolution | 029 | Divine and Personal Will |
030 | Purity of Instinct and the Mental Ego | 031 | Progress and Despair |
032 | The Atheist is God | 033 | Divine Perfection & receiving Blows |
034 | The Blessing of Misfortune | 035-36 | Christ & Krishna - Suffering & Hatred |
037 | Existence of Brindavan and Krishna | 038 | Evolution & Christ's Death as Avatar |
039 | History and Legend | 040 | Four Great Events in History |
041 | Role of the Gospels | 042 | Existence of Heaven and Hell |
043 | Contradiction intensifies Aspiration | 044 | Creation of Falsehood on Mental Plane |
045 | Role of Logic and Reason | 046 | Sri Aurobindo’s Experience in Prison |
047 | Conquest & Transformation of the Mind | 048 | The Beauty of the Hideous |
049 | Love and Transformation | 050 | Not a single Sin that is not our Sin |
051 | Nature of Self-deception | 052 | Philanthropy and Service of Divine |
053-54 | Religions and Immortality | 055 | Kali and Supreme Realisation |
056 | Knowledge and Debate | 057 | Mind and Individualisation |
058 | Memory of Earthly Paradise (Jehova) | 059 | Giving a Beating to God |
060 | Memory of Past Lives | 061 | Experience of the Infinite |
062 | Folly: Distorted Mask of Truth | 063-65 | The Weakness of God |
066 | Cruelty as an Expression of the Divine | 067-68 | Sin and the Ego |
069 | Capacity to express Supramental World | 070 | Role of Adverse Forces in Creation |
071 | Thought and Truth | 072 | Premonitory Dreams - Visions |
073 | Wisdom and Knowledge | 074-75 | Door to the total Knowledge |
076 | Destruction of Europe (True Prediction) | 077-78 | Knowledge and Transformation |
079-80 | There is No Error! | 081-83 | God’s laughter |
084-87 | What Men call Miracles | 088-92 | Miracles and Aspiration |
093 | Pain is the Touch of Our Mother (Fear) | 094 | Renunciation |
095 | Perfect Renunciation vs. Desire | 096 | Scriptures: Diminution of Experience |
097 | Truth and individual Experience | 098 | Revelation is the Memory of Truth |
099 | Understanding and Scriptures | 100 | Understanding and Scriptures |
101-02 | Sun- & Earth-consciousness | 103-07 | Vivekananda and Sannyasa |
108 | Narada (Gods have no psychic being) | 109 | Sri Aurobindo is a part of the Lord |
110 | Wonders of physical Science & the Soul | 111-12 | Power of Silence |
113-14 | Vibration of Hate & Love are the Same | 115-16 | No Beginning and no End |
117 | Play of Hide-and-Seek | 118-21 | Nature of Will from above |
122-24 | Action and Opinion | 125-26 | Overcoming Laws of Nature |
127 | Psychic Being and Laws of Nature | 128-29 | The Nature which exceeds the Body |
130 | The Role of Human Aspiration & Effort | 131-32 | All Human Moral Notions disappear |
133 | Titans are stronger than the Gods | 134-36 | Suffering and Delight |
137 | Pleasure & Pain depend on inner Attitude | 138 | Relationships and Psychic Contacts |
139 | Who is the Superman? | 140 | Human Ego and Superman |
141 | The Qualities of the Superman | 142 | Qualities needed for Growth of Being |
143-44 | Art reveals what Nature hides | 145 | The secret Soul of Nature |
146-50 | Shakespeare & Supreme Knowledge | 151 | Scientists‘ Knowledge & Proof |
152-53 | Supramental Consciousness etc. | 154-56 | Mind and Creation |
157-58 | Last Avatar | 159 | Worshipping vs. True Path |
160-61 | Knowledge & Delight | 162 | Evolution & Superman |
163-64 | Law & Freedom | 165 | Self-imposed Discipline is Freedom |
166 | Law of Sin & Virtue | 167 | Ignorance & Divine Goal |
168-69 | Sword of God | 170-71 | Failure of Christ & Mahomed |
172 | Slavery of Desire, Ignorance & Egoism | 173-74 | Human Way of Understanding |
175 | There is no Good, Bad or Luck | 176-77 | Perfect Cosmic Vision |
178 | Ego is the Prison | 179 | To live for God |
180 | Experiencing Eternity | 181-82 | Speak and talk less |
183-84 | Perfection and Harmony | 185-86 | Consciousness beyond Good & Bad |
187-88 | Vice and Virtue | 189-91 | Charity and Poverty |
192 | Old Indian Society | 193-96 | Poverty and Society |
197-98 | Condition of Happiness | 199-200 | Religion, Philosophy & Human Ego |
201-02 | Christianity vs. Vedanta | 203-04 | Full Power for Man's Progress |
205 | First Step of Superman | 206 | Only Escape from past Errors |
207 | Escape from Evil & Suffering | 208-09 | Beatitude & Self-giving |
210-11 | Anger and Vengeance | 212 | Only Tragedy: Not finding one's Soul |
213 | Tragedies & Evolution | 214-15 | Nature of Genius |
216 | Inspiration & Madness | 217 | Mastering Violence |
218-21 | Unity of Mankind | 222-24 | Converted Asuras |
225-27 | Altruism | 228-30 | God’s Command to slay |
231-34 | True Virtues | 235-37 | True Instruments of the Soul |
238-40 | Great and Noble Failures | 241-42 | Atheism and Religion |
243-47 | God and Temptation | 248-50 | Divine Will |
251 | Only Choice | 252-54 | Defeat and Failure is not the End |
255-57 | Blind Faith | 258-61 | Reason and Faith |
262-64 | Divine Command | 265-69 | Beware of Imposter Voice |
270-71 | Persistence | 272-73 | True Warrior for the Truth |
274-76 | Power of Spirit | 277-78 | Soul and Action |
279 | Consecration to the Divine | 280-81 | Divine Presence within us |
282 | Divine Purity | 283-85 | Sorrow and Evolution |
286-88 | Uniting with the Supreme Lord | 289-90 | Divine Love in All |
291-92 | Human Judgments | 293-94 | Self-deceit |
295-96 | Being of Light will emerge | 297-98 | Beauty and Ugliness |
299-302 | Opinions, Disputes & Truth | 303-05 | Women and Spirituality |
306 | Asceticism | 307 | God laughed at Shankara |
308-10 | Sufferings & Difficulties | 311-12 | Right Attitude |
313-14 | True Wisdom | 315-16 | Personal Incapacity |
317-18 | Reversal of Human Consciousness | 319 | Will of Brahman |
320-21 | Anarchic: True Divine State | 322-24 | Vedanta and Communism |
325-26 | Liberty, Equality, Fraternity | 327-28 | Government of the Supreme Lord |
329-31 | Sincerity of the Consecration | 332-34 | National & Human Unity |
335-36 | Human Unity | 337-38 | Imitators & Copyists |
339 | Beyond Good & Evil | 340 | Never despair! |
341-43 | All Governments are Falsehood | 344-45 | Perfection of the Soul |
346-48 | True Saintliness | 349-51 | Knowing God's Will |
352-56 | Truth is above All | 357 | True Government is Divine |
358-61 | Change of Consciousness | 362 | India and religious Conventions |
363-69 | Sincerity to hear the Lord | 370-73 | Divine Grace |
374-76 | Death and Ego | 377-78 | Liberation from the Ego |
379-81 | Peace, Poise and Harmony | 382 | Natural Health & Divine Grace |
383-85 | The Barbarism of Europe | 386-89 | Disease and Mind |
390-93 | Faith in Medicine? | 394-99 | Humanity: Slaves of Doctors |
400-03 | Mental Faith in Drugs | 404-07 | Medicine and Body |
408-12 | Tool of God | 413 | Adultery with God |
414-20 | God of Religions; God's Enemy | 421-24 | Four Stages of Pain |
425-27 | Love for the Divine | 428 | Love for Krishna & Kali |
429-30 | Love for Nature | 431-34 | God and the World |
435-38 | Love for Krishna | 439-44 | God as Lover |
445-49 | Secret of Existence | 450-55 | Curing Jealousy |
456-61 | God and Satan | 462-63 | Pride leads to Sins |
464-65 | Divine Joy | 466-68 | Mind and God |
469-71 | Understand Divine Grace | 472 | All Mental Constructions |
473 | Sincere Aspirations | 474-75 | God and Hell |
476 | Seven Beatitudes | 477-79 | The Semitic God |
480-81 | Ordinary Human Consciousness | 482-83 | Krishna: Robe of Virtue |
484 | Above Virtue and Sin | 485-89 | True Unity |
490-92 | Keeping Divine Contact | 493-94 | Ways of seeing God |
495-96 | Suffering and Pain | 497-99 | God: Our perfect Friend |
500-03 | Role of Suffering and Pain | 504 | Divine Love needed |
505 | God-Lover and God-Knower | 506 | Laughing at this World |
507 | Human Science and Occultism | 508 | Liberation of Body Consciousness |
509-12 | To be God’s Slave | 513-14 | Service to the Divine |
515-16 | Liberation from all Preconceptions | 517-18 | Weaknesses and Divine |
519 | Love or fight God | 520 | Understanding the Universe |
521 | Perceiving the Divine | 522-23 | Suffering and Bliss |
524 | Soul, Mind and Pain | 525-26 | Compassion & Divine Consciousness |
527-28 | Love and Pity | 529-30 | Compassion and Love |
531-33 | Constancy in Effort and Faith | 534 | Love: Human and Divine |
535 | Divine Mind | 536-37 | One Drop of True Knowledge |
538 | Essence and Potency of Maya | 539-40 | God in Huxley and Haeckel |
541 | All is Divine |