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APHORStored QUERY of DatabaseAPHORStored QUERY of Database
001Knowledge and wisdom 002True inspiration
003Reason trembles 004Jnani or God’s work
005Catch a glimpse 006Transform reason to Divine Wisdom
007True wisdom 008Dogmas of the Sects are intolerance
009Soul’s vision and experience 010My Soul knows immortality
011Immortality versus Mental Personality 012Stupidity of the reasoning
013Miracle of the human reason014The Supreme Lord is like an Artist
015What means hallucination? 016Polysyllables
017Do We know God?018Idea of illusion
019No Ugly & Repellent in this World? 020A Sublime Reality
021Forgiveness022&023Affirmation of the Divine Presence
024Misfortune025Supreme Wisdom
026Sir Philip Sidney 027God is a Great and Cruel Torturer
028War029God’s Will
030The Purity of a Child 031Despair
032Hide & Seek - Atheist & Theist 033Strike is Thy Love
034Misfortune is a Blessing 035&036In Love with Grief and Sins
037Is Krishna a Myth? 038The Emanation “Christ”
039About Human History 040Four Great Events in History
041The Gospels of Forgery 042Heaven and Hell
043The Will of the Supreme Lord 044Falsehoods of Indisputable Dogmas
045The Worst Enemy of Truth 046Real Imprisonment
047Wearisome048The Beauty of Hideous
049How to cure Ugliness and Evil? 050Don’t Hate the Sinner
051Righteous Wrath 052How to love God and Not Humanity?
053&054The Quarrels of Religious Sects 055Union with Kali
056Don’t try to prevail in a debate 057The Nature of Mind
058The Early Paradise on Earth 059Religion‘s Image of God
060There is no Mortality 061Infinite
062Distorted Mask of Truth 063-065God‘s Weakness is his Strength
066Sin is out of Place 067&068There is no Sin in Man
069Sin & Virtue: a game of Resistance 070Examine Yourself Pitiless
071The Whole Target 072The Sign of Dawning Knowledge
073When Wisdom comes 074&075Practical Knowledge is Never Complete
076Child destroys Europe077&078Knowledge by Inspiration
079&080Justification for Errors 081-083How to Laugh with the Lord
084-087About Miracles 088-092Opposition & Contraries stimulate Progress
093Pain is the Touch of our Mother 094Renunciation
095The Perfect Renunciation of Desire 096Importance of Experience
097The Experience of Others 098Revelation
099The Interpretation of Scripture100-102Our Perception
103-107Sannyasins108Narada can’t see the Soul
109Man gets in Contact with God 110Smile at the Wonders of Physical Science
111&112The Silence of Wisdom 113&114Hatred, Selfishness & Meanness
115&116There is No End and No Beginning 117-121Feeling of an Irresistible Power
122-124Our Opinions 125&126The Law of Nature
127Law is a Formula128&129Psychic Nature
130God‘s Foreknowledge 131&132Moral Notions
133Titans are stronger than the Gods 134-136Disease and Pain
137The Way of the Soul 138Relationships between Souls
139Superman140Impostor Supermen
141Nietzsche‘s Superman 142Ascent of Humanity is needed
143&144Beyond Visible Nature 145Truth in the external Symbol
146-150Shakespeare & Knowledge of the Supreme 151Scientists‘ Knowledge
152&153Immaterial Consciousness154-156The Way of Seeing Creation
157&158Manifestation of God in Human Beings159Supreme Reality
160&161Infertile Intellectuality162Evolution
163&164The Basis of Freedom 165True Liberty
166The Idea of Sin and Virtue 167The Leader is God Within
168&169The Sword of God 170&171Christ and Mohamed
172Freedom is the Liberator 173&174To Understand God truly
175There is no Good, Bad or Luck 176&177Learn the true Cosmic Vision
178The Limits of Ego 179God is everywhere
180How to experience Eternity181&182Calling Someone a Fool
183&184Exaggeration185&186Don’t be affected by Good & Bad
187&188Virtue and Vice 189-191Charity and Poverty
192Old Indian Society 193-196Poverty
197&198Necessity of Inner Development 199&200Religion and Philosophy
201&202Christianity vs. Vedanta 203&204No Bondage to Nature
205Life and Action206God leads Man
207To Live according to Truth208&209Beatitude
210&211Anger and Vengeance 212The Soul‘s Failures
213Making Tragedies 214&215Genius
216Keep Calm217Mastering Violence
218-221Hatred and Enemies 222-224Old Gods and Asuras
225-227Altruism228-230Men’s Slaughter
231-234True Virtues 235-237True Instruments of the Soul
238-240Great and Noble Failures 241&242Atheism and Religion
243-247Divine Guidance 248-250Divine Will
251Divine Solitude 252-254Defeat and Failure is not the End
255-257Blind Faith 258-261Reason and Faith
262-264Divine Command 265-269Beware of Imposter Voice
270&271Persistence272&273A True Warrior
274-276Power of Spirit 277&278True Action
279Divine Consecration 280-281Divine Presence within us
282Divine Purity283-285Death and Sorrow
286-288Other Gods 289&290Divine Love in All
291&292Human Judgment 293&294Self-deceit
295&296Sufferings of the World 297&298Appearance and Inner Reality
299-302Opinions and Disputes303-305Women
308-310Sufferings and Difficulties 311&312The Right Attitude
313&314A Million Lives 315&316Personal Incapacity
317&318Divine Sight 319The Will of Brahman
320&321The Anarchic State 322-324True Communism
325&326Liberty, Equality, Fraternity 327&328Government of the Supreme Lord
329-331Sincerity of the Consecration332-334Nationality
335-336Human Unity337-338Imitators
339Good and Evil340Never Despair
341-343Democracy in Europe 344&345Perfection of the Soul
346-348True Saintliness 349-351What is God’s Will
352-356Above All is Truth 357True Government
358-361Change of Consciousness 362Religious Conventions
363-369The Command of the Supreme Lord 370-373Divine Grace
374-376Let the Divine decide 377&378Offering your Ego to the Divine
379-381Peace, Poise and Harmony 382Health and Divine Grace
383-385Barbarous Comfort of Europe 386-389Diseases and Medical Science
390-393 Natural Faith 394-399The Slaves of Doctors
400-403Mental Faith in Drugs 404-407True Salvation
408-412The Tool of God 413Adultery with God
414-420God of Religions 421-424Pain
425-427Love for the Divine 428Love for Krishna or Kali
429&430Love for Nature 431-434Maya(vadin)
435-438Krishna439-444My Lover
445-449The Secret of Existence450-455True Divine Love
456-461Opposition to God 462&463Pride leads to Sins
464&465Divine Joy 466-468The Sceptic Mind
469-471Understand Divine Grace 472Divine Presence
473Sincere Aspirations474&475Calvin and Dante
476Seven Beatitudes 477-479The Semitic God
480&481Ordinary Human Consciousness 482&483The Robe of Virtue
484Above Virtue and Sin 485-489True Unity
490-492The Secret of Beatitude 493&494Divine Love
495&496Lesson for the Body 497-499True Wisdom
500-503Suffering and Pain 504As surely as God loveth
505Be of Service to the Divine506With Divine Eyes
507Human Science508The Image of Troubles
509-512To be God’s Slave 513&514Be the Slave of All
515&516God’s Servant 517&518Our Weaknesses
519Love or Fight God 520Kali is Krishna
521The Limitations of Our Visions522&523Hell is better than Eden
524Soul vs. Mind525&526Supreme Fulfilment
527&528Human Pity 529&530True Human Pity
531-533God is everywhere534Human Love
535Divine Mind536&537True Knowledge
538Two Darknesses539&540A Glimpse of the Truth
541All is Divine