May 1973 |
09. May 1973 – Almost limitless Power I feel like screaming… But… I am eating less and less, so I am constantly uncomfortable — and so weak! Yet, I feel so strong!… But there’s… That’s how it is. When I am still, I have such a power — an almost limitless power. But when I am in my body, I feel so uncomfortable… And then everything takes up so much time! I haven’t seen anybody this morning. They’re all here [waiting at the door]. What can I do? |
14. May 1973 – Short Marvelous Moments All the time I have to keep a grip on myself not to howl… From time to time, there’s a marvelous moment — but it’s short! Most of the time I am like this (gesture clenched fists), to keep myself from howling. |
19. May 1973 – Mother’s last Words If one knows that and has trust… But you see, my physical, my body is deteriorating very rapidly — what could stop it from deteriorating? For me, you see, the question is food. More and more I find it impossible to eat. Can this body live without food? I was told that the beginning would take place when I am a hundred; but that’s a long way off! I really don’t want to say (Mother shakes her head), I don’t want to insist, but… truly… (Mother speaks with her eyes closed, all the pain of the world is in the shake of her head). The consciousness is clearer, stronger than it has ever been, and I look like an old… |