April 1972 |
02. April 1972 – Supramental Clarity I think it’s “Supramental Clarity” or Vibration. I will tell you that we are preaching unity — unity of humanity — and we are all quarreling — horrible quarrels, resentments and all sorts of urgings that we condemn in the others. We are giving a nice example, and people laugh! It has come to me from many quarters. Begin with yourself, they say, and they are right. Each one, all of you have good reasons, everybody seems to lie. Everybody has “good reasons.” You know, the ego is the most clever rogue I have ever met. He takes such nice, nice appearances, and each one says: “I would, but I can’t.” And I tell you, from some places far away and from near, from far and from near, from India and from other countries: Begin with yourself. That is, we are ridiculous — ridiculous. And such good reasons we have! — all the people have good reasons. It is above reason, it has nothing to do with reason, nothing to do with that, we want… a new creation. If the Divine had only for one hour the same feelings as men have, there would be no more world. That I can tell you. I have seen clearly — you believe me if you want — I have seen the world with the eye of the Divine. It is something so terrible, you know, so contrary to what it must be, that if the Divine said “only He,” brrt! everything would go, there would be no world, there would be no men, there would be only That. Des ego pulverises [smashed egos]. It is difficult, it is the most difficult thing — we are here to do difficult things. We are in the period of transition. I can’t tell you: be like this or be like that, because there is no example as yet. It is being done, and we are just at the time of the transition. It is very, very difficult — but very interesting. For centuries and centuries, humanity has waited for this time. It has come. But it is difficult. I don’t simply tell you we are here upon earth to rest and enjoy ourselves, now it is not the time for that. We are here… to prepare the way for the new creation. The body has some difficulty, so I can’t be active, alas. It is not because I am old — I am not old. I am not old, I am younger than most of you. If I am here inactive, it is because the body has given itself definitely to prepare the transformation. But the consciousness is clear and we are here to work — rest and enjoyment will come afterwards. Let us do our work here. So I have called you to tell you that. Take what you can, do what you can, my help will be with you. All sincere efforts will be helped to the maximum. Heroism is not what people say, it is to be completely united — and the divine help will always be with those who have, in all sincerity, resolved to be heroic. You are here now, I mean on earth, because you once chose to be — you don’t remember it, but I know; that’s why you are here. Well, you must stand up to the task. You must make an effort, you must conquer pettiness and limitations, and above all tell the ego: your time is over. We want a race without ego, with the divine consciousness in place of the ego. That’s what we want: the divine consciousness, which will enable the race to develop and the superman to be born. If you think I am here because I am bound, you are wrong. I am not bound. I am here because my body has given itself for the first attempt at transformation. Sri Aurobindo told me so, he told me, “I know of no one who can do it, except you.” I said, “All right, I will do it.” It’s not… I don’t wish anyone to do it in my place, because… because it’s not very pleasant, but I am doing it gladly, because everybody will benefit from the results. I ask only one thing: don’t listen to the ego. That’s all. The time of the ego is over. We want to go beyond humanity and its ego, to leave it behind, we want a race without ego, with a divine consciousness in place of the ego. There, that’s all. If there is a sincere “yes” in your hearts, you will have satisfied me fully. I don’t need words: I need your hearts’ sincere adherence. That’s all. I can assure you that all sincere effort will be pleinement, fully helped by the Divine. Of that I am sure. And I can assure you of that. |
03. April 1972 – Mother’s Final Instructions Things are going fast. The body must learn not to think of itself. That’s the only way. As soon as it thinks of itself, its condition gets horrible. But honestly, sincerely, it doesn’t think anymore. It is here for a certain work; the work must be done, and that’s all. What will be will be — it’s true, after all, what will be will be, what does it matter to it!… It says, “Everything is for the best.” It can’t stay forever in its present precarious condition; so it must either be transformed, or else lose its form and come undone. Well… it needn’t worry about it, just leave it to the Lord to decide — truly and sincerely. If it can abdicate to the point of really becoming a transparent instrument, so much to the good. It’s none of its business — it is incapable of knowing what has to be done. And it is becoming increasingly incapable PURPOSELY, I know it. So… let Your will be done, Lord, that alone matters. Nothing else. I want to tell you something… I had already explained to Satprem that if the time for transformation comes, if my body grows cold, they should not rush to put it in a hole in the ground. Because it could be… it could be only temporary. You understand? It could be momentary. They should arrange to keep it here until it shows signs of complete… of the beginning of decomposition. I am telling you this because I want to make sure it’s understood; it would be stupid to put it in a hole and have all the work stop because of that. You see, make absolutely sure that I have left my body. I don’t know… I know an attempt is being made to transform it — it knows it and is very willing — but I don’t know if it will be able to do it… Do you follow? So for some time it may give the impression that it’s over, although it would be only temporary. It would start again — it might start again. But then I would be… I may be incapable of speaking at that time, of saying this. So I am saying it to you — Satprem knows. One other person should also know. It doesn’t really preoccupy me, but… This body is truly very willing, it wants to do its best… Will it be capable?… Ultimately, if the Lord has decided this one will be transformed, it will be transformed, that’s all! (Laughing) For the time being, it feels very much alive! That much it can say. |
04. April 1972 – Only the Divine sees the Truth Some people say that they are spies and are kept by the American Government, some others (some Americans) tell me that the Americans would never take such incapable spies! So myself I don’t see the… To tell the truth, I don’t appreciate them very much, but I have nothing very positive against them. That’s all. It’s all like that. I tried my best to push them out, that is to say, that they would WANT to go. But they… it didn’t happen, they really willed to remain. If we could have evident proof that they are spies, then it would be very easy. I would tell them to go. But for so many years they have been here. It must be proved, it can’t be a feeling or an idea or something like that, there must be a concrete proof. I would like that the Divine’s will should manifest very clearly, in a very positive way. Because human appreciation is worth nothing. He alone knows the Truth, and it is He who has to decide. Like that. I don’t know if you understand and follow; what I say may not be clear. But I — you see, to tell the truth, I have no respect for human appreciation and outlook, and I am absolutely convinced that only the Divine can see the truth. What I do is to tell, to show clearly His way so that we will do only what He says, what He sees. We are not capable of seeing. We will go by the Divine. “Que Ta volonté soit faite” [let Your will be done] — WHATEVER it is. That’s my position. In a general and absolute way, difficulties are ALWAYS graces. And due to… (how can I put it?) human weakness they fail to be helpful. Difficulties are ALWAYS graces. I have been on earth for quite a while this time and always — always, always, always, without a single exception — I have seen in the end that difficulties are nothing but graces. I can neither feel nor see things otherwise because it has been my experience all my life. I might be upset at first and say, “How come, I am full of goodwill, yet difficulties keep piling up…” But afterwards, I could have simply given myself a slap: “Silly you! It’s just to bring more perfection to your character and the work!” There. Some persons have been driven out of the Ashram into Auroville. Those, I admit, are difficult elements who make things difficult. I wish they would be naturally driven out of Auroville to… somewhere else. This wouldn’t be very nice for the rest of the world — but never mind! Although in a free environment, they may be tolerable. Practically, one would have to speak to each one individually. If in all sincerity we are on the side of the Divine, we ARE all we should be. That’s what Sri Aurobindo always said. If men only knew this: if in all sincerity — in all sincerity — they give themselves to the Divine and side with the Divine, they become all they should be. It may take time, there may be turmoil and difficulty — you must be… inflexible: “I am for the Divine and the divine manifestation, in spite of everything and anything.” Then it is omnipotence — EVEN OVER DEATH. I am not saying tomorrow, I am not saying immediately, but… it’s a certainty. |
05. April 1972 – Mister Ego It’s the ego demanding that things be done without forgetting its due respect — (laughing) Mister Ego wants to continue enjoying all due respect!… It complains shrilly before departing. Oh, I have seen such fascinating things! For hours I was a spectator — the consciousness witnessed an encounter between the Ego and the superman’s consciousness… (laughing) it was like a duel! The ego was arguing so glibly! It seemed to be saying, “See, if you send me off, the world will become hellish!” And it was showing the most frightful scenes: “If I withdraw from this one,” it said, “this is what he will do; if I withdraw from that, this is what will happen…” (Mother laughs) Horrible things, you know, the most staggering catastrophes!… It went on for hours. At night I don’t sleep, you know; I remain very still, and I am then a spectator of all those scenes. Told in detail, they would be very interesting… Later, perhaps? |
05. April 1972 – Mother’s Body The body has been weakened by the transformation, the doctor says it is showing signs of weakness. What is true is that it feels a kind of tension whenever it has to exert too great an effort. But I think that will pass. I am convinced — as I have already told you — that if I reach one hundred, at one hundred I will be strong. At any rate, I would like someone to prevent such a stupid thing (to put Mother’s body in a hole), because then all the work would be lost. Possible, but not certain it will happen [the deep trance]. Sometimes, when I see all these things, I am… My difficulty of speech is caused by that weakness, you see; I have trouble expressing myself; all of a sudden, I feel… I feel a sort of… I don’t know, I can’t say fatigue or exhaustion but… as though life were literally drained out of me — and yet the consciousness is more ALIVE, stronger than ever! Suddenly, the body doesn’t know if it will be able to hold on — that’s what happens. So, for this reason, appearances may be very deceptive. |
12. April 1972 – Human Nature No human will can finally prevail against the Divine’s will. Let us put ourselves deliberately and exclusively on the side of the Divine and the victory is ultimately certain. (The Mother) Strange how human nature resists that. Ordinary human nature is such that it prefers defeat on its own terms to victory in another way. I am making amazing discoveries these days — just amazing. Human stupidity is abysmal. Abysmal. It’s as if the Force I mentioned before wanted to go like this (gesture like a power drill), deeper and deeper into the subconscient. There are incredible things in the subconscient — incredible. I spend entire nights watching them. And it goes down and down and down… IMPERATIVELY. So the human subconscient cries out, “Oh, not yet, please, not yet — not so fast!” And that’s what you are up against. A general subconscient. Naturally, the resistance brings about catastrophes, and then people say, “See! See your beneficent action, it is only causing catastrophes.” Unbelievable, they are unbelievably stupid. To all those perverse arguments the same reply: I don’t care. If you can experience that it’s the Divine that does everything, then with an unshakable faith, you say, “All your arguments are worthless; the joy of being with the Divine, conscious of the Divine, surpasses everything” — it surpasses the creation, surpasses life, surpasses happiness and success, it surpasses everything (Mother raises one finger): THAT. That’s all. Then all is well. And it’s over. It’s as if That drove all the worst things in nature out into bright daylight, out into the open, into contact with that Force… Besides, it seems to attack what was good-willed in us. After some time it becomes absolutely wonderful, but one goes through some difficult moments. What’s going to be swept away is the resistance. You sit on the mind (Mother gives a little slap): shut up. The subconscient contains the memory of all the previous “pralayas,” and this memory is what always gives us the impression that everything is going to dissolve, to collapse. But if you look at things in the true light, there can only be a more beautiful manifestation! Théon had told me this was the seventh and last one. Sri Aurobindo (I had told him what Théon said), Sri Aurobindo concurred, for he said, “This one will see the transformation towards the Supermind.” But to reach the Supermind, the mind must SHUT up! And I always get the impression (laughing) of a child sitting on the mind’s head (gesture like a child kicking its feet), playing on the mind’s head! If I could still draw, it would make something really funny. The mind — that huge terrestrial mind (Mother puffs out her cheeks) — which thinks itself so important and indispensable, and then a child sitting on its head and playing! It’s so funny. We say, “We want a divine life” — but we’re afraid of it! The second the fear disappears and we are sincere… really, everything changes. We say, “We want nothing more of this life,” but… (laughing) something in us clings to it! We cling to our old ideas, our old… to this old world bound for extinction — we’re afraid! While the divine child sitting on the mind’s head plays!… I wish I could draw that picture, it’s so wonderful. We are so silly we even say (Mother puts on an air of offended dignity): the Divine is wrong, “You shouldn’t handle things that way!” It’s comical. The best remedy (I mean the easiest) for me, is: what You will — what You will, in all sincerity. In all sincerity. And then — then understanding comes. Then you understand. But you don’t understand mentally, not here (Mother touches her head). So I can see the resistance in people, I see (they don’t say anything, but they think it; I see it in the mental atmosphere like this — gesture all around): the twaddle of an old woman! That’s the situation. |
13. April 1972 – Ego is the Obstruction My help is there for all those who need it — it’s the ego that prevents people from receiving it. Does V. understand the difference between the ego and the psychic being?… Ego is the obstruction. Ego was necessary to shape humanity, but we are now preparing the way for a superhumanity, a supra-humanity. The job of the ego is over — it did its job well, now it must disappear. And it is the psychic being, the Divine’s representative in man, that will stay on and pass into the next species. So we must learn to gather all our being around the psychic. Those who wish to pass to the supra-humanity must get rid of the ego and concentrate themselves around the psychic being. But does he know the difference between the ego and the psychic? Because the ego is very artful — a rogue!… |
15. April 1972 – Overmind, the Realm of the Gods What Sri Aurobindo called overmind is the realm of the gods. Oh, no, the realm of the gods… stands apart. I don’t think it has much to do with the earth’s problems. Only sometimes those gods enjoy meddling in earthly affairs. But they don’t have much in common with the great Movement of transformation. They are immortal, aren’t they, they are free (to a large extent, they are free and immortal). They have taken part in the earth’s development only out of curiosity, as a sort of pastime! They may have helped humanity to understand that there is something beyond earth-life. That was their usefulness. At one time (laughing), I was very close to all these beings, they used to manifest in me, they would — well, they enjoyed it! And I enjoyed it, too! I was interested; but I never considered it as something essential. |
15. April 1972 – Theon and the Mother The first time I went to Tlemcen (I don’t remember when exactly), the first day I arrived at Tlemcen, Theon came to meet me and said… (I didn’t understand then, but now I do!), he said, “You are now alone with me, aren’t you afraid?” And I replied (I was absolutely conscious and calm)… I remember we were walking in his huge estate, we were walking up towards the house, and I told him (Mother raises her index finger), “My psychic being governs me — I am afraid of nothing.” Well… (Theon started as if he had been burned). I acquired that psychic consciousness just before leaving for Tlemcen. And it grew stronger there. I don’t know if this has been noted down somewhere… It struck me, I never forgot it. All at once, my psychic being was there: “I am conscious of my psychic being, it protects me, I fear nothing…” Those may not have been the exact words, I don’t know, but that was the general reply. |
15. April 1972 – The Supramental Child The other day, when I saw that little child playing (I still see it), on top of a HUGE mental head, giving it blows — it’s the supramental. But what are we going to call that being?… We mustn’t call it “superman,” it isn’t the superman: it’s the supramental. Because, you see, the transition from animal to man is clear to us; the transition from man to supramental being is accomplished (or isn’t) through the superman — there may be a few supermen (there are) who will actually make that transition, but that’s not actually how it works. First, that supramental being has to be born. Now it’s becoming plainer and plainer. The other day, I saw that little being (symbolically a child) sitting on a big mental head: it was the supramental being sitting, to symbolize its “independence,” I could say, over the mind. Things are becoming clearer. But we are just in the transitional period, the most difficult time. Will some reach a similar state — at least similar or at any rate precursor to the supramental?… Such seems to be the present attempt, what is taking place now. And so you are no longer on this side, not yet on the other — you are… (suspended gesture). Rather a precarious condition. Obviously, for all those who are born now and are here now have asked to participate in this, they have prepared for it in previous lives. From the standpoint of global knowledge, it would be interesting to know what’s happening and how it’s happening. But from the individual standpoint, it’s not exactly pleasant(!), the period is difficult: you are no longer on this side, not yet on the other—just in between. There we stand. But I think this “baby” is a baby only symbolically… I don’t know if he will come as a child and then grow up — I have no idea. There are still some things that I don’t know — plenty! This is exactly the meaning of my vision: the transition won’t take place according to mind’s ways, it’s a baby sitting on the mind and playing. I can still see it. I know — I say “will,” but it’s neither a vision nor the will of the Divine, it’s… His way of being. A particular way of being — successive ways of being. We always think of a “conscious will,” but it isn’t like that: it’s His way of being. The way of being of His consciousness. He has projected His consciousness into a creation: it’s His way of being. And it’s His way of being that changes. Then, one understands that the mind isn’t necessary — it’s the way of being that changes... |
19. April 1972 – The Process of Consciousness The conscious will seems to want to assume a larger role. It makes life… much more efficient, obviously, but also more difficult. More difficult in what way? Well, usually we passively leave it up to Nature to set things right when something goes wrong — that’s totally disappearing. Now it is a process of consciousness, and no longer… You see, the mind (laughing: it’s going on — the supramental is still sitting on it!), the mind has been worked upon for years, so that it doesn’t meddle when it’s none of its business and lets Nature take care of all the damage; but now Nature is being told, “Keep quiet, a higher Consciousness will settle things.” But that means the consciousness must be CONSTANTLY alert. Constantly alert. The consciousness’ own attitude towards the Divine is to be as if nestling in the Divine — I could even say engulfed in the Divine: what You will, what You will, what You will, what You will… As a “basic” attitude it’s very good, I could say. But when suddenly, something in the body goes wrong, and you don’t know why (oh, most of the time it’s due to an outside cause, like a disorder coming from outside), so then you don’t know what to do — there is no longer a mind to decide what to do; while the consciousness remains like this (hands open upwards). But then you don’t know what to do, so you do nothing. |
26. April 1972 – Total Indifference Since childhood, I have always endeavored, as it were, to attain total indifference — nothing is annoying, nothing is pleasant. Since childhood, I recall a consciousness striving for… (that’s what Sri Aurobindo meant) for indifference. Interesting! It makes me understand why he said that it was I who could attempt the transition between human consciousness and supramental consciousness. He said that. He said it to me and he says it here (it’s written among Nirod’s things). Now I understand why… |
26. April 1972 – Still Old Habits Physically it is still difficult, but the body has understood, I think (Mother opens her hands). The body has understood, but there are still some old habits, some semiconscious reactions. That’s what pulls. To me, you see, if the body had truly understood, it should become younger — not “younger” but conscious. Instead of founding its base in the subconscient as everybody else, it should found it in the consciousness — it is beginning to do it. It wants to; it wants, it strives. But there are still some… sort of habits. All in all, it’s the subconscient that should be transformed. Almost no spontaneous reactions remain of the kind that come from the subconscient — almost none, but still a few… still far too many. The body is more conscious — the consciousness is penetrating. But… I have a strong feeling (I mean the body), the body has a strong feeling that if I can last until one hundred it will become younger. Not younger, but… more capable of manifesting the Force. I don’t feel weak, but some things still drag. The subconscient is full of stupid fears, of lack of trust and ill suggestions (although I am not so sure it’s the body’s fault, I have the feeling that some people — at least one person, I don’t know who — are sending catastrophic suggestions). The body fights all it can to accept only the suggestions from the Divine, but there’s still a pull. Whenever I protest or complain, I am “told” (that’s how it comes), I am told that things come to me from here or there… (gesture to every side) for me to act upon them, for That to act upon the world — it has nothing to do with thought, it isn’t a thought, this (the head) is very silent; it’s here (gesture above), and then like this (gesture rising from the bottom to be offered), from the subconscient. And all the work that is being done is not just for this body; the body is doing it for all those who are receptive. In which case I have nothing to say, everything is perfectly all right. If such is the case… Because (Mother turns her head toward the bathroom door) the body lives in particularly good conditions. It is very well taken care of. What’s more, it feels awful and ridiculous. Ridiculous and awful. It’s the first effect of the consciousness of what has to be, it exerts a pressure. Even higher humanity is an awful and ridiculous thing for the overmind (Mother corrects herself), for the supramental (“supramental” is a word I don’t like too much; I understand why Sri Aurobindo used it, he didn’t want “superman” — it’s not superman at all). There is a far greater difference between a supramental being and a human being than between a human being and a chimpanzee. But the difference is not so much external: it’s a difference of consciousness. I can sense it, I sense it so vividly, and so close! When I am very still, it comes, from over there, and even the highest and most intellectual human consciousness is ridiculous in comparison. |
26. April 1972 – My Inner Being “That is me!” One must be thoroughly convinced of it before one can expect to receive that Consciousness. You know what I would say? It’s a good sign — it’s not pleasant, but it’s a good sign. But, of course, at best — at the very best — we are transitional beings. And well, transitional beings… But the consciousness of the inner being ultimately gets stronger, you follow? Stronger even than the consciousness of the material being. So the material being can be dissolved, but the inner consciousness remains stronger. It is of that consciousness that we can say, “This is me.” |
26. April 1972 – The Command and Will of the Lord As for me, the purpose of this body is now simply: the Command and the Will of the Lord, so I can do as much groundwork as possible. But it isn’t the Goal at all. You see, we don’t know, we don’t have the slightest knowledge of what the supramental life is. Therefore we don’t know if this (Mother pinches the skin of her hand) can change enough to adapt or not — and to tell the truth, I am not worried about it, it’s not a problem that preoccupies me too much; the problem I am preoccupied with is building that supramental consciousness So IT becomes the being. It’s that consciousness which must become the being. That’s what’s important. As for the rest, we’ll see (it’s the same as worrying over a change of clothing). But it must truly be IT, you see. And in order to do that, all the consciousness contained in these cells must aggregate, form and organize itself into an independent conscious entity — the consciousness in the cells must aggregate and form into a conscious entity capable of being conscious of Matter as well as conscious of the Supramental. That’s the thing. That’s what is being done. How far will we be able to go? I don’t know. How far we’ll go, I don’t know. I feel that if I last up to my hundredth birthday, that is, another six years, much will be accomplished — much. Something significant and decisive will be accomplished. I am not saying that the body will be able to get transformed… I have no such signs, but the consciousness — the physical, material consciousness becoming… “supramentalized.” That’s it, that’s the work now in progress. And that’s what’s important. You too, you must be able, you must be destined to do that also, hence your disgust. But instead of dwelling on the disgust, you should dwell on the identification with the consciousness you are in when you are sitting still. You follow? That’s the important part. |
26. April 1972 – It’s a Woman that can build a Bridge I am beginning to understand why Sri Aurobindo always said it was woman (Mother caresses Sujata’s cheek with her finger) that could build a bridge between the two. I am beginning to understand. One day, I’ll explain. I am beginning to understand. Sri Aurobindo used to say: it is woman that can build a bridge between the old world and the supramental world. Now I understand. |