March 1971

01. March 1971

There is a Supreme Divinity, witness of all our actions, and the day for consequences will soon come.

03. March 1971 – Seeing the Receptivity

I think I see… the most exact thing to say is their condition, the state they’re in. And then, of course, there are those who are closed, so to say, who, for me, don’t see, who are totally in the outer consciousness; and there are those who are open — there are some… certain children are remarkable, it’s as if they were wide open (gesture like a flower to the sun) and ready to absorb. It’s especially people’s receptivity that I see, the condition they’re in: those who come with aspiration, those who come with curiosity, those who come out of… a kind of obligation, and then those who are thirsty for light — there aren’t too many, but there are several children. Today I saw one, he was so sweet!… His father lives at the lake, he bought some property at the lake; he lives there with his wife and children, and it was the birthday of one of the children — oh! (Mother opens her eyes wide) wonderful!

And I see only that. Not what they think or say (all that seems superficial and uninteresting): only the state of receptivity they are in. That’s what I see above all.

I really think that those who can begin the new race are among children. Men are… crusted over.

You know, I am forever struggling with people who’ve come here to be comfortable and “free to do what they like,” so… I tell them, “The world is big, you can go.” No soul, no aspiration, nothing…

03. March 1971 – The Flame of Aspiration

You know my impression? They’re all old and I am the only one who is young! That’s it, you know, that flame, that will… what is called push — they are satisfied with stupid little personal satisfactions… which lead nowhere, preoccupied with what they’re going to eat and… oh!

I have the impression that there is a sort of display now, a display of everything that should not be.

But the flame, the flame of aspiration (Mother shakes her head), not many bring it to me.

Provided they are what they call “comfortable,” that’s all they want — and free to do some nonsense they wouldn’t do in the world! While you feel you could hasten the coming — you COULD hasten it if you were… if you were a conqueror!

No, but those who are different are very few in number — at least among those I see, I don’t know. Naturally there are those who are close — those who are close, who live only for that; of course, I am not speaking of them. They’re all right, I think… From time to time I receive a real call for help, really an aspiration — that, yes, when that’s there, it’s very good, it’s of very good quality. Otherwise…

I could scold myself, because I set a bad example: I shouldn’t have such a worn-out body, but it’s as if… At night, for instance, I don’t sleep, but I go into a very deep repose; and then everything that isn’t well (Mother touches her swollen cheek) worsens. It’s only when I concentrate here that it starts to get better; when I leave the body to its own peace… it still isn’t on the right side — it shouldn’t be like that. I know that the greatest difficulty for people is my age — they all think: “Oh, she’s old, she’s old, she’s old…” And so I… As a fact I am younger than they! (laughter)

03. March 1971 – Mother’s last Incarnation

I feel that it is the book that will give a new orientation there. That’s why I am insisting. And Russia… Russia, changed to the right side, it would be wonderful!… I don’t know why… Naturally I was Russian in a recent incarnation, when I was… Is it Catherine?

Catherine, yes.

And that’s very much alive in me.

My impression is that if the whole Russian bloc were to turn to the right side, it would be a tremendous support… And they are not satisfied; you know, they’re in the state in which you’re capable of doing something because you’re not satisfied — they are NOT satisfied. Their experience… basically they don’t want to admit it, but their experience has failed.

06. March 1971 – An Atmosphere of Resistance

Obviously there is a great change in the nature, I can see it. When I look at my body live, it’s as if I were seeing the body of someone completely new. Unfortunately it is… it lacks suppleness, I think.

There’s this whole “formation” of age like this (gesture all around Mother), an almost subconscious idea that “she is old, she is old…” It creates an atmosphere of resistance to the change. It almost creates a conflict in the being. Outwardly, it’s not so good. When I was sick, for example, I became increasingly bent over; now I would like to straighten up: the doctor says in a peremptory tone that if I tried to straighten up abruptly, I would break my back… You see, things like that. “It’s impossible, impossible, impossible,” from every side.

Don’t repeat that; I am telling you so that you keep it.

So there’s only one solution for me… Actually the only will that is all-powerful is the Divine Will — what He wants will be in spite of everything, or because of everything. That’s all. It’s not my concern. Only, it’s not going as fast as it could if circumstances were different. But probably that’s my own opinion. Probably it’s as good as it can be.

10. March 1971 – About Sri Aurobindo’s Life

There’s nothing to say about his life here… Basically no one really knows the life he led here. I am afraid they’ll write a lot of nonsense. I would prefer that nothing be said — they can say he retired to Pondicherry to lead the life of Yoga and henceforth only that mattered, and it’s better not to speak of it. That’s all.

It doesn’t have to be lengthy: just a chapter to close the series, to say that his life in Pondicherry was exclusively taken up with Yoga and that he wrote what he wanted to say, and consequently there’s nothing more to add.

We have everything he wrote, and it’s much better than anything we can say about it.

13. March 1971 – Confusion about Mental and Spirit in German

What should be done for these books is to put a note in, to insert a note in each book saying that this particular word used here corresponds to that word used in the other books — to let people know. Because if it’s the same word as “mental,” that leads to terrible confusion — terrible, the worst confusion. There has to be a distinction, it’s imperative: either T.K. has to put a note or… Because you see, if they put “mental” for both words, or even another word that means the same thing, it distorts the teaching immediately. It immediately creates terrible confusion.

But is German such a poor language? Isn’t all this ignorance on their part?… They could take a word that isn’t a common word and give it a special meaning — and then, put in a note the special meaning they’ve given the word. But to use a word that means “mind” is crazy, it immediately distorts the teaching.

17. March 1971 – Mother’s Body Progress

You know, I have the impression that the body… since it wants to progress fast, is literally whipped into moving ahead. But that’s entirely personal… I am not complaining.

It’s of no interest to others.

It’s as if there were a constant ringing directed to the body (Mother makes a gesture of hammering): “You say you want to live only for the Divine — so live only for the Divine, live only…” (same gesture of hammering).

And so it sees how much it still belongs to this old world.

But anyway it’s all right.

We’re right in the midst of the transition — for everything. And how long is the transition going to last? I don’t know… I have the feeling things are going as fast as they can, that if they were any faster, everything would break.

17. March 1971 – Become Searchlights of the Divine

If we could become transparent instruments — we have so many dark spots! That’s what’s terrible, those dark spots. If we could be like a… something like a searchlight of the Divine shining constantly, which nothing could dim — that’s the only way. To be like a searchlight casting the Divine onto the world. He is there, but the world… as you say, doesn’t see Him, doesn’t care about Him. Such a blinding searchlight should be made of Him that one is forced, compelled to acknowledge Him.

Oh, yes — everything is divine. There is ONLY the Divine. But He is broken up into opposites. And the extreme opposite can be touched, overcome, if you will, transformed by the divine extreme — halfway measures won’t work. It is the divine extreme that will be able to transform the dark extreme: by absorbing (gesture of taking into herself), absorbing and blotting out the darkness. By absorbing it, it can blot out its action.

17. March 1971 – The Need of Oneness

It comes like this (gesture of hammering): the only solution is the ONE — there is a Oneness. The only solution is always Oneness. There’s a kind of incapacity to see that everything we call “falsehood” is the ONE AND THE SAME Thing, it’s we who see it incorrectly. And naturally it seems quite stupid, and yet that’s it: ONE — ONE, ONE, ONE… (same gesture of hammering).